- For fifty years, the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence has been scanning the galaxy for a message from an alien civilisation. 五十年来,“太阳系外类地智能搜寻小组”*一直在侦测着银河系,以求来自外星文明的消息。
- extra terrestrial intelligence 地球外信息
- Charged with defending against aggressive extra terrestrial activity, the GDN has begun to seek out gifted individuals to assist in its efforts. 游戏中你将控制全球防御系统抵御不同的敌人和入侵物。
- The SETI institute, which searches for extra terrestrial life, has compared picking up a signal's modulation to picking up the sound of a flute when it's masked by the noise of a waterfall. 探索外星生命的外星探索研究所已经对接收到调制信号和接收隐藏在瀑布水声中长笛声进行了对比。
- Plot Outline: After being abducted by extra terrestrials, Jean and her friends are committed to a top secret government run mental institution to undergo tests and be brainwashed. 在被外星生物绑架后,琴和她的朋友被送到一个政府的秘密精神治疗机构忍受测试和洗脑.
- After being abducted by extra terrestrials, Jean and her friends are committed to a top secret government run mental institution to undergo tests and be brainwashed. 在被外星生物绑架后,琴和她的朋友被送到一个政府的秘密精神治疗机构忍受测试和洗脑.
- He is on a par with his brother in intelligence. 他在智力方面同他的弟弟不相上下。
- My extra earnings came in very handy. 我的额外收入可备我不时之需。
- The boy evinces great intelligence. 这个男孩表现出很高的智慧。
- This extra strong glue should do the job nicely. 这种超强度胶应该管用。
- She decided to rent out a room to get extra income. 她为获得额外收入决定租出一个房间。
- She's always saddling extra duties on me. 她总是把额外责任加到我身上。
- The brackets want an extra screw. 托架需要再加一个螺钉。
- She's not lacking in intelligence. 她并不缺乏学识。
- He paid the extra cost without a murmur. 他付了额外的费用而毫无怨言。
- You should use your intelligence. 你应该发挥你的聪明才智。
- The boys were given an intelligence test. 那些孩子们接受了智力测验。
- His intelligence is rather limited. 他的智力相当有限。
- His intelligence quotient is very high. 他的智商很高。
- This dress is of extra fine quality. 这件衣服的质地特别好。