- Luckily, there was an extra space in the plane. 幸好飞机上有一个额外的座位。
- Luckily,there was an extra space in the plane. 幸好飞机上有一个额外的座位。
- Now that the kids have left home we've got a lot of extra space. 孩子们都离开家了,我们住着就更宽绰了。
- Ted GoetzWe took an extra space walk, went out, and the repair was successful. 我们又额外的进行了一次太空行走,这次维修十分成功。
- Or, you could replace the current drive with a larger one, and install Linux in the resulting extra space. 或者,您可以使用更大的驱动器替代当前的驱动器,并在由此得到的额外空间中安装Linux。
- Its unique design of a curve-shaped, telescopic boom provides extra space for stacking. 其独特的曲线形伸缩式动臂设计可以提供额外的堆叠空间。
- Sets the amount of extra space to leave between the specified control and the error icon. 设置指定控件和错误图标之间应保留的额外空间量。
- A gutter margin setting adds extra space to the side margin or top margin of a document that you plan to bind. 装订线边距设置将为要装订的文档两侧或顶部边距添加额外的空间。
- Using glue, cover paper cups with colour paper. When measuring size of cup with the paper allow some extra space. 用胶水将彩纸粘到纸杯杯身上。在测量纸杯用纸多少时,应该留出富余。
- After we broke the deadlock, we were then able to make the most of the extra space. 在我们打破僵局后,我们随即充分利用了更大的空间。”
- Most of all, it uses up extra space and reader's patience to have to see the same point made over and over again. 最根本地,这种“说重重话”,会浪费太多的篇幅,而且,也会耗尽读者的耐心,他们不会有耐心一遍一遍地看同一个观点的。
- And the cells are lightweight and thin, so they could spread across the wings of an UAV without taking up extra space. 电池轻盈且很薄,因而可以铺满整个无人机的机翼而不需要占用额外的空间。
- In extremely cold conditions, the volume of air will decrease, causing extra space inside the package and increasing the risk of product damage. 酷寒的环境中,空气量会下降,导致包裹中有多馀的空间并增加物件损坏的风险。
- Adding a ninth column then allocates room for another eight such columns and modifies each row of the table to allocate the extra space. 然后,添加第九列时,为另外八个这样的列分配空间,并修改表的每一行以分配额外的空间。
- As integrated circuits grew smaller, designers took advantage of the extra space to cram even more instructions into the chip. 随着集成电路越来越小,设计人员可以利用更多的空间在芯片中实现更多指令。
- If your command gets close to the right-hand prompt, that prompt will automagically disappear, leaving all that extra space for your command. 如果您的命令与右边提示符十分相似,则提示符会自动消失,以留下多余的空间供您输入命令。
- It doesn't take any extra space when folded either and it fits very comfortably into the boot of most cars, as easy as any single buggy. 它不采取任何额外空间当折叠或者并且它非常舒适地适合入多数汽车起动,一样容易象任何唯一儿童车。
- The volume of the extra space is concentrated around our brane.Consequently, a graviton is forced to spend most of its time near the brane. 额外空间的体积集中于我们的膜附近,因此一个重力子大部份的时间就被迫停留在膜附近。
- Bates argued our best results had come when the pitch was smallest, especially 1989/90, and he could use the extra space for development. 但是贝茨争取到了我们现在的球场大小。球场最小的时候,(尤其是在1989/90),贝茨可以用球场多余的部分做其他的发展。