- extort money from both parties 两头敲诈
- They absolutely must not harm the people or extort money from them. 严格禁止坑害勒索群众。
- Since 1988, Wanta has been the victim of attempts to get the money from both major political parties. 1988年以来,万塔已经成为美国两大政党竞相获得这笔资金的角逐中的牺牲品。
- I ask for your prayers for leaders from both parties. 为两党的领导人祈祷。
- Along the voyage, painted armed vessels of unknown origin will appear to extort money from the refugees. 在航路上,不知来历重新上漆的军舰会出现来敛财。
- The painting could change hands for about$2,000 and if he played it right he could get a commission from both parties. 这幅画可以2,000美元的价钱易手,如果他干得精明,他可以从双方那各得到一笔佣金。
- Such stunts happen at the murkier end of internet commerce: for instance, to extort money from an online casino. 这些绝招之所以能奏效源于电子商务中存在错误的漏洞-比如,可以向网络夜总会赌场进行敲诈金钱。
- A 14-year-old boy hanged himself after his classmates tried to 3)extort money from him. 另一名14岁的男孩在被同学勒索后上吊自杀。
- Im not trying to extort money from you but the law requires that you pay me a $300 fine. 警官说,我不是在勒索你,但法律规定,你得交300美元的罚款。
- A more recent definition is: a bargain is a dirty trick to extort money from the pockets of silly and innocent people. 一个最近定义是:交易是直接把钱从愚蠢和无知人的口袋中骗出来的肮脏把戏。
- A more recent definition is : a bargain is a dirty trick to extort money from the pockets of silly and innocent people. 而现今对于廉价货的定义是,它是从那些愚蠢无知的人们的口袋里敲诈金钱的肮脏的圈套。
- He often extorts money from her. 他经常向她敲诈勒索。
- The local bandits extorted money from the villagers.. 土匪向村民们勒索钱财。
- The painting could change hands for about $2,000 and if he played it right he could get a commission from both parties. 这幅画可以2,000美元的价钱易手,如果他干得精明,他可以从双方那各得到一笔佣金。
- He's been charged with extorting money from several shopkeepers. 他受到指控,罪名是向几个店主勒索钱财。
- Ten years ago, Members of Congress from both parties voted to grant President Clinton the line-item veto. 十年以前,来自两党的国会议员通过投票赋予了克林顿总统部分否决权。
- He extorted money from poor farmers under false pretences. 他讹诈穷苦农民的钱财。
- As health-care reform hots up, she is fielding calls from politicians from both parties. 随着健保改革的兴起,她也在不断地回复两党政治人士的电话。
- The gang extorted money from over 30 local businesses. 这帮歹徒向当地30多家企业勒索过钱财。