- Management, supervision, or guidance of an action or operation. 监督,管理对动作或操作的管理、监督或指导
- That is used to express the direction of an action. 我明白了。表示动作行为方向。
- Termination of an action by the plaintiff. 诉讼程序的中止
- To receive(the benefits or consequences of an action). 接受(一种行为所带来的好处或结果)
- extinction of an action [法] 诉讼时效的消灭
- We may live to see the extinction of the whale. 人类或许能亲眼见到鲸的灭绝。
- Omission of a party, plaintiff, defendant, or cause of action that should have been included as a part of an action or a suit. 应参加诉讼的当事人的不参预应该被包括在内作为一宗诉论或诉案的一部分的一方。原告、被告或诉讼的案件不履行法律责任
- Scientists have warned of an alarming increase in the extinction of animal species, because of threats to biodiversity and ecosystems. 科学家就动物物种灭绝速率的惊人上升提出警告,因为生物品种和生态系统正遭到威胁。
- The time set for the start of an action or operation. 预设开始工作或行动的时刻。
- His movie of the extinction of dinosaurs was a great success. 他的关于恐龙灭绝的电影取得了巨大的成功。
- An event is a message sent by an object to signal the occurrence of an action. 事件是对象发送的消息,以发信号通知操作的发生。
- An operation is an abstract definition of an action supported by the service. 操作是被服务支持的行为的抽象定义。
- Emancipation from ignorance and the extinction of all attachment. 解脱从无知中解放出来,并消除了所有的业力
- Used to express the sudden occurrence of an event or completion of an action. 看吧!嘿!用于表达活动中突然出现的结果或结局
- "Wang" is a preposition that is used to express the direction of an action. “往”是一个表示动作行为方向的介词。
- Precipitate the extinction of sth. 促进某种事物的消灭
- Other: Shows a textual description of an action such as "Send email to user". 其他:显示一个动作的文本描述,例如“向用户发送电子邮件”。
- A formal objection taken in the course of an action or a proceeding. 异议,反对在行动或进程中采用的正式的反对
- The virtual extinction of the buffalo. 野牛实际上已经绝迹。
- "Extinction of animals," English said, how? “动物灭绝”的英文怎么说?