- The arousal of sexual feeling without an external stimulus. 自体情欲在没有外部刺激物时内生的性欲感觉
- The turning or bending movement of an organism or a part toward or away from an external stimulus, such as light, heat, or gravity. 向性,向性运动生物体或其一部分做的趋向或远离外部刺激(如光、热、重力)的运动
- The turning or bending movement of an organism or a part toward or away from an external stimulus,such as light,heat,or gravity. 向性,向性运动生物体或其一部分做的趋向或远离外部刺激(如光、热、重力)的运动。
- The principle of a quantitative correlation between external stimulus, neural activity and experienced sensation remains intact. 外部刺激、中立行为和感觉体验之间的量化的紧密联系的自然法则仍然维持原状。
- In fact, their behaviours are a kind of self-stimulation rather than being induced by external stimulus, which accounts most of the behvaiours manifested by mentally ill persons. 其实,他们的行为是为了刺激自己,而精神病患者的行为多是受到外界刺激而引起。
- It could be the result of the resource adapter receiving some external stimulus from a back-end system. Or it could just be some internal event, possibly even timer driven. 它可以是资源适配器接收到后端系统的一些外部刺激之后的结果,也可以仅仅是一些内部事件,甚至可能是由计时器驱动的事件。
- Nerve fibres transmit external stimuli to the brain. 神经纤维把外界的刺激传导给大脑。
- a locomotor response toward or away from an external stimulus. 趋向或背离外部刺激的一种运动反应。
- Skin is the outermost part of our body. It protects us from harmful external stimuli and bacterial invasion. 皮肤是覆盖在人体最外层的组织,保护身体免受外界的刺激和病菌的侵害。
- In dream sleep, the animal is powerfully immobilized and remarkably unresponsive to external stimuli. 在有梦的睡眠中,动物根本不能动弹而且对外界刺激没有反应。
- In dream sleep, the animal is powerfully immobilizedremarkably unresponsive to external stimuli. 动物在有梦睡眠时强烈地受到限制,并且明显地对外界刺激反映迟钝。
- There has been an unfortunate attempt by many in the church to downgrade any attention to these external stimuli. 然而在教会中却有许多人不幸地降低了对这些外界刺激的关注。
- At the same time,our senses remain responsive enough so that extreme external stimuli can rouse us to wakefulness. 同时,我们的感官能力,所以外界极其强烈的刺激能将我们唤醒进入觉醒状态。
- Autonomic movements (autogenic movements; spontaneous movements) Movements of plants in response to internal rather than external stimuli. 自发运动:对内部刺激而不是对外部刺激做出回应的一种植物的运动。
- By linking stereopsis and cognition the cognitive response to external stimuli using the electrophysiological method is studied. 将立体视觉与认知结合,采用电生理方法,研究大脑对外部刺激产生的认知响应。
- Praise is a stimulus for better work. 赞扬激励人更努力地工作。
- Autonomic movements (autogenic movements;spontaneous movements) Movements of plants in response to internal rather than external stimuli. 对刺激做出反应但不趋向刺激源的一种运动。
- The conceptual departure point of "Cremaster"is the male cremaster muscle, which controls testicular contractions in response to external stimuli. 概念上的出发点是男性的提睾肌,它的功能是在感受到外界刺激时控制睾丸的收缩。
- Abstract : In both plants and animals, the inositol phospholipid pathway is involved in the perception and transduction of external stimuli. 摘要 : 磷酸肌醇代谢在生物感受胞外刺激及信号转导中起着重要的作用。
- A provocation to action; a stimulus. 激励,刺激某种行动的刺激; 激励