- In the process of practice, man at first sees only the phenomenal side, the separate aspects, the external relations of things. 原来人在实践过程中,开始只是看到过程中各个事物的现象方面,看到各个事物的片面,看到各个事物之间的外部联系。
- In the process of practice,man at first sees only the phenomenal side,the separate aspects,the external relations of things. 人在实践过程中,开始只是看到过程中各个事物的现象方面,看到各个事物的片面,看到各个事物之间的外部联系。
- Concepts are no longer the phenomena, the separate aspects and the external relations of things; they grasp the essence, the totality and the internal relations of things. 概念这种东西已经不是事物的现象,不是事物的各个片面,不是它们的外部联系,而是抓着了事物的本质,事物的全体,事物的内部联系了。
- Concepts are no longer the phenomena,the separate aspects and the external relations of things; they grasp the essence,the totality and the internal relations of things. 概念这种东西已经不是事物的现象,不是事物的各个片面,不是它们的外部联系,而是抓着了事物的本质,事物的全体,事物的内部联系了。
- external relations of things 事物的外部联系
- It's not difficult to understand this world when you mastered the internal relations of things. 掌握了事物的内部联系你就不难理解这个世界。
- Many slangs derive from similarities and relations of the images of things by people. “很多俚语都是人们根据事物形象上的类似或相关衍生而来。”
- I have an ocean of things to do. 我有许多事情要做。
- We have a bushel of things to do today. 今天我们有许多事情要做。
- History is full of things like that. 历史上充满了那样的事件。
- We have dozens of things to do now. 我们现在有很多事要做。
- In the course of things men of other ideas came to rule. 按事物的循环,总是由有新思想的人起来执政。
- All that sort of thing is well over my head. 那种事都是我所不懂的。
- All that sort of thing is well above my head. 那种事都是我所不懂的。
- That's just the sort of thing I want. 那正是我所需要的那种东西。
- More information on External Relations can be found. 可参阅有关对外关系的更多资料。
- That sort of thing varies from person to person. 那种事因人而异。
- A relation of mine is coming to stay. 我有个亲戚要来此暂住。
- Those relations of his are boring people. 他的那些关系令人生厌。
- People gain initiative only when they grasp the rules of things. 人掌握了事物的规律就会获得主动权。