- When the parser reads the document, it often loads this external file. 当解析器读取文档时,它通常会加载这个外部文件。
- The external file can be a report server data source (. Rsds) file or an Office Data Connection (. Odc) file. 外部文件可以是报表服务器数据源(.;rsds)文件;也可以是Office数据连接(
- Clause to specify the ordinal number of the entry point within the export table of the external file. 子句来指定外部文件的导出表内入口点的序号。
- Method in your code, you can free the external file resource even though the file object continues to exist. 方法的等效项,可以释放外部文件资源,即使该文件对象继续存在也是如此。
- The linker does not embed the manifest file inside the binary, and can only generate the manifest as an external file. 链接器不会将清单文件嵌入到二进制文件中,而只能将其作为外部文件生成。
- One of your options is to embed JavaScript within the style sheet, either directly or as an external file. 选择之一是将JavaScript直接或作为外部文件嵌入样式表。
- External file storage is more flexible but does not benefit from database-managed persistency and integrity. 外部文件存储更为灵活,但是却无法获益于数据库管理的持久性及完整性。
- In some languages, for example, PL/1 and C, the external file from which the compiler reads source text during the compilation of a program. 某些语言,如pl/和C中的一种外部文件,在程序编译期间,编译程序要从此外部文件中读源程序正文。
- The Setup. Exe Bootstrapper sample uses the external file, Settings. Ini, to determine the location of Dotnetfx. Exe and the host application. Setup.;exe安装引导程序示例会使用外部文件Settings
- If you are an existing Rose user, you may be writing use-case documents and attaching them to your use-case model via the Rose External File property. 如果你是一位现有的Rose用户,你可以书写用例文档,通过Rose External File属性将它们附加到用例模型。
- You can set the log to overwrite existing events, you can write log entries to an external file, or you can increase the maximum size of the log. 您可以设置日志改写现有事件,可以将日志条目写入外部文件,也可以增加日志最大值。
- Be careful to remember which changes you do not accept because the project is not synchronized with the external file containing the updates you don't accept. 请注意,要记住未接受的更改,因为项目不会与包含未接受更新的外部文件同步。
- Finally, ASP.NET allows you to define the validity of a cached item based on an external file or directory (a file dependency) or on another cached item (a key dependency). 最后;ASP.;NET允许您根据外部文件、目录(文件依赖项)或另一个缓存项(键依赖项)来定义缓存项的有效性。
- This application has its manifest either embedded inside appl. Exe as a binary resource RT_MANIFEST with ID equal to 1, or stored as an external file, appl. Exe. Manifest. 此应用程序的清单可作为二进制文件资源RT_MANIFEST(ID等于1)嵌入appl.;exe中;也可以存储为外部文件appl
- This can be useful if any character in the external procedure name is not allowed in Visual Basic, or if the external file exports the procedure without a name. 如果不允许在Visual Basic中使用外部过程名称中的任何字符,或者,如果外部文件在导出过程时未使用名称,则这一点十分有用。
- Whether you backup to disk, zip disk, DVD, writeable CDs, external file drive or utilize one of the online services, it is important to get into the habit of backing up on a regular basis. 不论你备份到磁盘;拉链磁盘;DVD光碟;重写光盘开车或外部档案利用其中的网上服务必须习惯有定期备份.
- If a DOCTYPE declaration includes the entire DTD directly, without reference to external files, it uses the following syntax. 如果DOCTYPE声明直接包含整个DTD,而没有引用外部文件,将使用以下语法。
- Provides sample data and a sample report definition that you can save to external files for use in the printing walkthrough. 提供可以保存到外部文件的示例数据和一个示例报表定义,以供在打印演练时使用。
- Formerly, after a user was authenticated, access to external files was based on the security profile of the SQL Server process. 以前,用户经过身份验证后,对外部文件的访问权限是基于SQL Server进程的安全配置文件的。
- Formerly, once a user was authenticated, access to external files was based on the security profile of the SQL Server process. 以前,一旦用户经过身份验证,对外部文件的访问权限就是基于SQL Server进程的安全配置文件的。