- Provide client with stretchable and extensive consultation service. 为客户提供延伸的咨询服务.
- As it happens, a blueprint for achieving this was prepared last year by Pushtun notables after extensive consultation with tribal councils. 碰巧的是,在去年同部落理事会进行广泛协商之后,普什图名流们提出了实现该目标的蓝图。
- In 1998,the government completed extensive consultation with property developers and professional bodies. These bodies generally supported the spirit of the recommendations. 在一九九八年,政府广泛征询了地产发展商及有关专业团体的意见,而他们也大致支持建议的精神。
- This document,the final version of which was arrived at only after extensive consultation with principals and teachers,outlines the aims of a holistic education. 教育部花了许多时间并广泛地咨询各校长和教师之后,才把纲领推出。新教育纲领概述了迈向全面教育的要点。
- The Model Mortgage Origination Documents were introduced by the Steering Committee in 2001 after extensive consultation with the banking industry and the legal profession. 标准按揭文件是统筹委员会经广泛谘询银行业及法律界的意见后,于2001年制订。
- In 1998, the government completed extensive consultation with property developers and professional bodies. These bodies generally supported the spirit of the recommendations. 在一九九八年,政府广泛征询了地产发展商及有关专业团体的意见,而他们也大致支持建议的精神。
- This document, the final version of which was arrived at only after extensive consultation with principals and teachers, outlines the aims of a holistic education. 教育部花了许多时间并广泛地咨询各校长和教师之后,才把纲领推出。 新教育纲领概述了迈向全面教育的要点。
- After conducting extensive consultation on a more participatory and accountable school-based management framework, the Advisory Committee on School-based Management has made its recommendations to the Director of Education. 校本管理谘询委员会已就参与程度和问责程度更高的校本管理架构进行广泛谘询,并已向教育署署长提交建议。
- After conducting extensive consultation on a more participatory and accountable school-based management framework,the Advisory Committee on School-based Management has made its recommendations to the Director of Education. 校本管理谘询委员会已就参与程度和问责程度更高的校本管理架构进行广泛谘询,并已向教育署署长提交建议。
- The Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance (MPFSO),enacted in August 1995 after extensive consultation,provides the framework for a privately managed mandatory system of provident fund schemes that will cover members of the workforce aged 18 or above. 经广泛咨询后,本港于一九九五年八月制定《强制性公积金计划条例》,为强制性公积金制度定下架构。强积金制度涵盖18岁或以上的就业人士,是一种私营性质的强制性公积金制度。
- UK improved corporate governance through extensive consultation and disclose the best action code, and its reform process has been a process of gradual paying more attention to NED. 英国通过广泛咨询与公开最佳行为守则改善公司治理,其改革过程也是逐步重视NED过程。
- A new management system was established after extensive consultations within the government and with the industry. 政府在内部和向业内人士进行广泛谘询后,已设立新的管理制度。
- Her extensive consultancy work in Australia and Asia focuses on personal, organisational and community development. 她在澳洲及亚洲的工作焦点在个人、组织以及共同体发展。
- After extensive consultations with defense officials, the president went before members of the military Friday to announce his plan to end the war in Iraq. 在经过同国防官员的广泛磋商后,奥巴马星期五在美军官兵面前宣布了结束伊拉克战争的计划。
- Paul's extensive consulting experience with McKinsey has been based out of McKinsey's New York, Greater China and more recently, South East Asian Offices. 保罗在麦肯锡丰富的顾问经验来麦肯锡的纽约、大中华地区,以及最近的东南亚办公室工作历练。
- Following extensive consultations,it has revised the designs for secondary and primary schools to provide improved facilities,to support,for example,the use of information technology and the enhancement of language training. 经过广泛谘询后,政府修订了中、小学校舍的设计,提供更完善的设施,从而支援资讯科技教育和加强语文训练等。
- Following extensive consultations, it has revised the designs for secondary and primary schools to provide improved facilities, to support, for example, the use of information technology and the enhancement of language training. 经过广泛谘询后,政府修订了中、小学校舍的设计,提供更完善的设施,从而支援资讯科技教育和加强语文训练等。
- You had better consult a doctor soon. 你最好快点去看医生。
- extensive consultations between the two countries 两国之间的广泛磋商
- The standard charge for consultation be$50. 正常的咨询费为50美元。