- extension of length of service 延长服役年限
- Promotion will go by length of service. 晋升以服务年限为准。
- Be like to the age of workingwoman and requirement of length of service should a few more severe. 对女工的年龄与工龄要求似应更严一些。
- Size of pension depends on length of service with the company. 养老金的多少取决於为公司服务年限的长短。
- The company pays to remove the one-time compensation expenses of labor contract worker (include to buy outright) of defray of length of service, whether deduct before duty of enterprise income tax? 企业支付给解除劳动合同职工的一次性补偿支出(包括买断工龄支出),能否在企业所得税税前扣除?
- Size of pension depends on length of service with the company . 养老金的多少取决於为公司服务年限的长短。
- The equal length of shoulder blade and upper arm bone and the balanced angulation between the two allows for good extension of the front legs. 从前面后后面观察,动作准确:前肢既不向内弯,也不向外翻,后肢不交叉。很明显,肌肉发达的大腿和结实的飞节协同工作,提供后蹬力和驱动力。
- Size of pension depends partly on length of service with the company. 退休金的多少部份取决于为公司服务时间的长短。
- He asked for an extension of his visa. 他申请延长签证有效期。
- Extension of the injured arm was painful. 把受伤的胳膊伸展开是很疼的。
- Library knowledge sharing is a kind of service extension of the original literature,it is an effective way of library knowledge dissemination,a manifestation of the spirit of social equity. 图书馆知识共享是对原有的文献服务模式的一种延伸,是图书馆知识外化的有效途径,是一种社会公平精神的体现。
- A unit of length equal to either the width or the length of the hand. 一掌长,一掌宽与手掌的长或宽相等的一种长度单位
- Extension of Marriage Ceremony Service. 延长婚礼服务时间。
- The metre is a measure of length. 米是长度单位。
- Extension of validity of bid shall normally not be requested. 一般来说不应要求延长投标有效期限。
- On the whole, the median length of service with their employer before taking maternity leave was 4.5 years. 整体而言;她们在放取产假前为雇主服务的期间平均数为4.;5年。
- Cubit is an ancient unit of length. 腕尺是古代的一种长度单位。
- Leave behind those old mindset those your job-related skills or length of service are not selling factors. 赶快扔掉任务有联系窍门或者效劳年限都属于销售因素这种老掉牙的心态。
- The results showed that there were negative correlations between age, length of service and the domain of Physiology. 典型相关分析表明,眼科医务工作者的年龄越大,工龄越长,其生理领域得分越低;
- Carpentry pneumoconiosis check goes out rate for 6.25 % , receive dirt length of service on average to be 29.5 years. 木工尘肺检出率为6.;25%25;平均接尘工龄为29