- extended control word 扩充控制字
- In sorting, synonym for control word. 在分类(排序)技术中,其含义同“控制字”。
- In sorting,synonym for control word. 在分类(排序)技术中,其含义同“控制字”。
- A part of a microcoded control word that controls specific machine operations. 控制特定的机器操作的微代码控制字中的一个组成部分。
- Floating-point exceptions are enabled by modifying the FPU control word with the _controlfp function. 通过用_controlfp函数修改FPU控制字,可以启用浮点异常。
- This paper highlights the problem of constructing CFG in object-oriented systems and proposes a new model named Extended Control Flow Graph ECFG for code based analysis of Object-Oriented software. 本文着重介绍在面向对象系统中如何构造控制流图,并对面向对象软件的基于代码的分析提出了一个名为扩展控制流图ECFG的新模型。
- The emphasis of our research is the work theory of CAS and the concept of control word (CW), ECM and EMM. 然后介绍了条件接收的概念和发展概况,重点研究了条件接收系统的工作原理,以及控制字、ECM、EMM的概念。
- The idea behind Operation Panther's Claw is to extend control of the populous, irrigated “green zone” by linking up the capital of Helmand, Lashkar Gah, with Gereshk, on the main ring road. 美洲豹爪作战计划旨在把赫尔曼德的省会城市拉什卡尔加和在主环道上的格罗斯克连接起来,扩大对人口密集,可进行灌溉的“绿区”的控制。
- A control word is a specially formatted command that RTF uses to mark printer control codes and information that applications use to manage documents. 控制字 是一种特殊的RTF用来标记打印机控制符的格式化命令,也是程序用来管理文档样式的格式化信息。
- When such a control word has no parameter or has a nonzero parameter, it is assumed that the control word turns on the property. 当这样的控制字没有参数或仅有一个非零参数,则认为这个控制字开启了这个属性。
- extended control program support (ECPS) 扩充的控制程序支持
- extended control and simulation language 扩充控制和模拟语言
- extended control program support 扩充的控制程序支持
- The client behavior can be encapsulated in a Web server control as an extender control. 可以将客户端行为作为扩展程序控件封装到Web服务器控件中。
- The gymnast extended her arms horizontally. 那女子体操运动员双臂平伸。
- Life extending control of aircraft: trade-off between flight performance and structural durability. 飞机寿命延伸控制:飞行性能与结构使用期限间的权衡。
- This worksheet contains information about controlling Word 97, Microsoft Access 97, PowerPoint 97, Outlook 97, and Office Binder 97 using a macro in Microsoft Excel 97. 工作表包含控制Word 97、Microsoft Access 97、PowerPoint 97、Outlook 97和Office活页夹97 Microsoft Excel 97中使用宏信息。
- It is a barbarous way to extend territory by arms. 以武力扩张领土是一种野蛮的方式。
- The control properties of certain control words (such as bold, italic, keep together, and so on) have only two states. 某个控制字(例如粗体(bold)、斜体(italic)、粗斜体等等)的控制属性仅有两个状态。
- Embedding the JavaScript component and Web server control's extension code into an assembly will make your custom extender control easier to deploy. 将JavaScript组件和Web服务器控件的扩展代码嵌入到一个程序集中,这样将使您能够更轻松地部署自定义扩展程序控件。