- extend consume demand 扩大消费需求
- Is Lack of Consume Demand a Long Trend? 消费需求不足是长期趋势吗?
- Although economic situation is grim still, suffer inquirer or express strong travel to consume demand. 尽管经济形势仍然严峻,受调查者还是表示出强烈的旅游消费需求。
- Firms have to be responsive to consumer demand. 公司必须对顾客的需求作出积极反应。
- That consumer demand is expanding. 消费者的期望在扩展。
- Modern consumers demand to be wooed, not berated. 现代的消费者希望广告央求他们,而不是斥责他们。
- The growth is synchronized with consumer demand. 这些增长是与消费需求同步的。
- Then, we apply these theory and technique to Chinese economy and analyze the relationship between investment, consume demand, export, inport and industrial output. 最后把所介绍的理论和方法运用到中国宏观经济问题之中,分析了中国工业总产值与投资需求、消费需求、出口和进口之间的关系。
- Also, we should not allow consumer demand to expand too rapidly. 还要注意消费不要搞高了,要适度。
- Improved genetics, responding to changing consumer demand. 改进生猪品种适应消费者的需求改变。
- In a living room environment, consumers demand quietness. 在客厅环境中,客户需要安静。
- But others have put 3G plans on hold waiting for consumer demand to pick up. 也有一些公司则搁置3G开发业务,将消费者需求到一定火候再采取行动。
- First, the expansion of public investment, vigorously promote consumer demand. 第一,扩大政府公共投资,大力促进消费需求。
- It is a barbarous way to extend territory by arms. 以武力扩张领土是一种野蛮的方式。
- This is not surprising given the industrial slump and lower consumer demand. 由于工业萧条,消费需求减弱,这样的缩减并不出人意料。
- The culture consumable demand of the people is increasing day by day. 人们对文化消费品的需求日益增加。
- A proposal to extend the highway was flung out at the meeting. 延伸高速公路的建议在会议上被否决。
- The sluggish consumer demand across the Asia-Pacific region continued to affect the performance of the licensing division. 特许经营产品业务受制于亚太区持续疲弱的消费市道。
- Asian companies, facing anemic consumer demand at home, will not be able to sell their products in the region. 亚洲国家的国内需求十分虚弱,面临此景亚洲公司就无法在该地区销售其产品。
- Great insufficience of consumer demand becomes serious obstacle for China to step into affluent society. 我国目前存在着严重的消费需求不足,这已成为我国走向富裕社会的巨大障碍。