- export market diversity index 出口市场多样性
- Suffer losses in the export market. 在出口市场中亏损。
- The chaotic competition of export market. 出口市场无序竞争。
- It depends on the export market involved. 这取决于出口市场的大小。
- Export market data as a spreadsheet. 出口市场的数据试算表。
- A species diversity index(SDI), which is difined in Eq. (1-2). 种类多样指数(SDI)可由式(1-2)求得。
- The bird diversity index is 1.2399 and evenness index was 0.7271. 该区人工林中鸟类的多样性指数为1.;239 9。 均匀性指数为0
- There is considerable scope for expansion into the export market. 很有可能扩展出口市场。
- China was an $8 billion export market,for Hong Kong in 1992. 在1992年,中国是香港80亿美元的出口市场。
- The company made a dramatic entrance into the export market. 这家公司戏剧性地打入了出口市场。
- The proudct has even more potential in export market. 这种产品在出口市场上会有更大的潜力。
- China is a focal export market in this branch (about 300 mio EURO). 中国是这个领域最重要的出口市场(约3亿欧元)。
- What has Hirsch management learned so far about the export market? 到现在,美国好施集团管理层从出口市场中学到了些什么?
- The Nei's genetic diversity index (He) is 0.1862 for RAPD, 0.1527 for ISSR and 0.2595 for AFLP respectively. Nei’s基因多样性指数(He)为:RAPD:0.;1862;ISSR:0
- There was no significant difference of diversity index between the tree layer and the shrub layer. 乔木层与灌木层之间多样性各项指标总体无显著差别。
- Therefore, the decrease of microbial diversity index with age was one reason why the quality of H. lupulus decreased. 随啤酒花植龄的延长,土壤微生物数量的变化,特别是微生物多样性指数的减少,可能是啤酒花品质下降的原因之一。
- The export market have become very difficult since the rise in the dollar. 自美元升值以。
- The species diversity index of second generation stand was small higher than the first . 二代林分乔木层物种多样性指数、均匀度比一代林分略大;
- The export market has become very difficult since the rise in the dollar. 自美元升值以来出口市场变得非常艰难。
- The index dissatisfying with average rarity is named as marginal diversity index. 将不满足平均稀有度的指数称为边际多样性指数。