- exponential growth model 指数增长模型
- We give the asynchronous exponential growth of a genetics model with age dependence,where the transition rate and the fertility rate depend on the density of total genetics. 本文给出一类基因种群年龄依赖非线性模型当基因转移率和合成率均依赖基因总数时的偏指数增长性,主要工具是共轭扰动半群.
- The entire sports industry enjoyed exponential growth when he was the superstar in NBA. 整个运动业在他是NBA的超级明星时经历着指数式的增长。
- Two syconium development models of both genders, exponential model and S growth model, were correlated with the climate. 雌、雄榕果的发育各呈现2种模式,大致与其发育的气候环境有关:一为指数型,多发生在高温多雨时期的第一花季;
- An exponential growth curve starts off slowly and increases faster and faster as time goes by (called the log phase). 指数生长曲线开始时很低,但随时间的增长,其增长得越来越快(称为指数期)。
- Exponential growth in human knowledge as a result of interaction with the advancement of science and technology. 科学和科技发展及其交互影响的结果造成了人类知识的快速成长.
- Multistage DDM overcome the limitations of the Gordon growth model. 多阶段DDM模型克服了戈登成长模型的限制。
- Learn how exponential growth can affect your level of success in your chosen field. 要知道,不懈的努力和持续的发展可以在你选择的领域里影响你成功的程度。
- It is fuelled by exponential growth of personal computers in the market and their rapid rate of obsolescence. 这被证实是一个危害上数以百计劳工健康的危险因子。
- This year, the Tianjin real estate market continued warming, the exponential growth of domestic consumption. 今年以来,天津市房地产市场持续增温,各类住宅消费成倍增长。
- Cybercrime has become a multimillion dollarindustry, demonstrating exponential growth. 网络犯罪形成了一个数百万美元的犯罪产业并在不断增长。
- At least the exponential growth of information technology capability will continue unabated. 至少,资讯科技能力的指数增长将有增无减。
- Cybercrime has become a multimillion dollar industry, demonstrating exponential growth. 网络犯罪形成了一个数百万美元的犯罪产业并在不断增长。
- A Simple growth model of ternary BCN compound is proposed in this paper. 提出了BCN三元化合物生长的简单模型.
- Pouring temperature shows significant effect on the growth model of dendrite. 浇注温度对枝晶生长形貌影响较为显著,高温浇注易获得外生柱状枝晶;
- The normal exponential growth equation is y = eax where a is a constant, x is the time variable and y is the population measure. 正常指数增长方程是y = eax,其中a是常量,X是时间变量,y是人口量。
- "With the coming of the 3G era, wireless Internet will have exponential growth," Cininc said in a statement accompanying the release of its report. “随着3G时代的来临,移动互联网(的使用)将会成倍的增长,”中国互联网络信息中心在这份报告发布声明中称。
- The third essay focuses on measures of inflation in Barro's growth model. 第三篇论文,侧重于分析巴罗增长模型中的通胀的度量。
- Clients, companies, the government, and individuals will certainly make a market for such solutions, especially with the exponential growth of mobile devices. 客户、公司、政府和个人将肯定会形成针对这类解决方案的市场,特别是在移动设备正以指数级增长的情况下。