- By using theory of exponential dichotomies, fixed point theorem and theory of compressed image, the existence and stability of periodic solutions of function (1.8) and (1.9) was dealt with, the conclusions made in the relevant documents was extended. 利用指数型二分性理论及不动点定理和压缩映像原理研究了一类中立型积分微分方程周期解的存在性问题,推广了相关文献的主要结论。
- By using theory of exponential dichotomies, fixed point theorem and theory of compressed image, the existence and stability of periodic solutions of function were dealt with, the conclusions made in the relevant documents were extended. 利用指数型二分性理论及不动点定理和压缩映像原理研究了一类中立型积分微分方程周期解的存在性,稳定性问题,推广了相关文献的主要结论。
- generalized exponential dichotomy 有界解
- exponential dichotomies 指数二分性
- How can we escape such useless dichotomies? 我们怎样才能从这些毫无意义的二分法中挣脱出来?
- Populations tend to grow at an exponential rate. 人口趋向于以指数比率增长。
- The Method for an Exponential Model Establishment. 指数模型建立方法。
- Structure to the specified exponential power. 结构的值乘到指定的幂。
- Calculates the exponential of a quaternion. 计算四元数的幂。
- A Criterion for Generalized Exponential Dichotomy and Existence of Bounded Solution 广义指数型二分性一个判别法和有界解存在性
- The envelopes of the strain peaks is an exponential function. 应变峰值的包络线是一个指数函数。
- The frictional dissipation will introduce an exponential decay. 摩擦耗散可导致指数式的衰减。
- The method of graded dichotomies enables this to be done. 用等级均分法可以做到上述那一点。
- The reformer and ideologist Zheng Guanying was the exponential. 郑观应是这一思想的积极倡导者。
- W.A.Coppel Dichotomies in stability theory[M].Spring-Verlag 1978. 黄林.;稳定性理论[M]
- The ground is already being prepared for two bogus dichotomies. 为两种虚假二分法登台的舞台已经准备停当。
- We will present two examples,one for each of the two dichotomies. 对这四种方法的两个大类我们将举两个例子来说明。
- Replaces the current quaternion with its exponential. 用当前四元数的幂替换此四元数。
- Exponential numbers display six decimal places by default. 默认情况下,指数数字显示六个小数位。
- Calculates the exponential of the specified quaternion. 计算指定四元数的幂。