- In the past three years, China has had an explosive impact on the global commodities market. 过去三年里,中国对全球商品市场产生了爆炸性的影响。
- The explosion toppled the near chimney. 这次爆炸把不远处的烟筒炸倒了。
- Explosive compactions of powder in axisymmetrical tubes are to utilize the available explosive impact energy to deform plastically the cylindrical powder containers and thereby densify the contents. 轴对称零件的粉末爆炸压实,是利用炸药产生的有效冲击能引起装粉套筒塑性变形,导致粉末致密。
- The explosion gave forth a tremendous sound. 爆炸发出巨大的声响。
- Had Toutatis hit the Earth, it would have had the explosive impact of a one million megaton bomb, many times the total nuclear arsenal of the superpowers, and destroyed all life on the planet. 一旦Toutatis真的撞击地球,它的爆炸效果相当于100万兆吨级炸弹,是超级大国全部核武库的好几倍,摧毁地球全部生命。
- His hearing was impaired after the explosion. 爆炸后他的听力受到了损害。
- The explosion tore a hole in the wall. 墙炸开一个洞。
- The disfigurement of his face was caused by an explosion. 他面部的毁损是由于一次爆炸造成的。
- The crowd panicked at the sound of the explosion. 爆炸声一响,人群便惊慌起来。
- A spark triggered the explosion. 一粒火星引起了这场爆炸。
- Terrorists were responsible for the bomb explosion. 恐怖分子是这次爆炸事件的罪魁祸首。
- These bullets fragment on impact. 这些子弹射中物体时爆炸成碎片。
- The explosion blasted the door open/down/in. 这爆炸把屋门炸开[炸倒/炸进屋内]。
- The explosion sent us running in all directions. 那次爆炸把我们轰得东奔西逃。
- We were almost deafened by the explosion. 爆炸声几乎把我们的耳朵震聋。
- Her speech made a tremendous impact on everyone. 她的演说对大家震动很大。
- Police blocked off the street after the explosion. 在发生爆炸之后,警方用路障封锁了那条路。
- The victims of the explosion were buried last week. 爆炸事故的罹难者于上周举行了葬礼。
- The jar of the explosion was felt for miles around. 那次爆炸引起的震荡周围好几英里都能感觉到。
- The explosive impacts sent plumes of debris high into the Jovian atmosphere creating dark markings or scars, visible for a time against the cloud bands. 这些强烈的撞击,造成喷发的比木星大气层还要高的烟尘,成为在云带衬托的 暗斑或撞击痕。