- exploration right transference 开发权转让
- The exploration licensees,after fulfilling the specified minimum input to exploration and obtaining approval in accordance with law,may transfer the exploration right to another. 探矿权人在完成规定的最低勘查投入后,经依法批准,可以将探矿权转让他人。
- Profiteering in exploration right or mining right shall be prohibited. 禁止将探矿权、采矿权倒卖牟利。
- Article 9: An evaluation must be carried out in the transfer of mineral exploration right and mining right formed by state-contributed exploration and survey. 第九条:转让国家出资勘查所形成的探矿权、采矿权的,必须进行评估。
- The Solutions to Disputes about Stock Right Transfer of the Co. Ltd. 有限责任公司股权转让纠纷解决机制思考。
- The exploration licensees, after fulfilling the specified minimum input to exploration and obtaining approval in accordance with law, may transfer the exploration right to another. 探矿权人在完成规定的最低勘查投入后,经依法批准,可以将探矿权转让他人。
- Wires on the left belong to the backlight of the panel. The bigger bunch on the right transfer the image for the panel itself. 位于左边的金属线属于为面板提供背光而存在的。右边稍微大一些的一束金属线为面板自身提供图像。
- The Principal owns exploration right of a marble within XX, it is necessary to contract its Mining Services to the outside for sales need. 发包人在XX境内拥有一处大理岩采矿权,因经营需要,现需向外承包其采矿服务承包。
- Land usage right transfer and lease period shall be in compliance with fixed land usage years minus the years the consignor had used. 土地使用权转让或出租年限,按土地使用权的年限减去出让者已使用的年限。
- However,the State may,in light of specific conditions,prescribe reduction of or exemption from the compensation for acquiring the exploration right and mining right. 但是,国家对探矿权、采矿权有偿取得的费用,可以根据不同情况规定予以减缴、免缴。
- Mortgage is right transfer warranty type in Anglo-American legal system,it has similar as well as different with warranty of cession in civil law system. 按揭是英美法中的权利移转型担保,它与大陆法系的让与担保既有相似之处又有一些不同。
- From above analysis we come to realise that the effective time of a share right transfer contract and the time of the alternation of the share right are two different concepts. 其次,分析了股权转让程序的生效要件,公司内部股东变更登记和工商变更登记的效力,认为:股权转让合同生效的时间与股权变动时间是两个不同的概念;
- Forms of the Capital paid-in by foreign investors:Cash,Tangibility,The machinery Industry property, know-how: Intagible capital, Land use right transfer. 有关外商出资方式:现金投资、实物投资、工业产权、专有技术等。
- If a person,in violation of the provisions of Article 6 of this Law,profiteers in exploration right or mining right,his exploration or mining license shall be revoked and his unlawful proceeds confiscated,and he shall be fined. 违反本法第六条的规定将探矿权、采矿权倒卖牟利的,吊销勘查许可证、采矿许可证,没收违法所得,处以罚款。
- If a person, in violation of the provisions of Article 6 of this Law, profiteers in exploration right or mining right, his exploration or mining license shall be revoked and his unlawful proceeds confiscated, and he shall be fined. 违反本法第六条的规定将探矿权、采矿权倒卖牟利的,吊销勘查许可证、采矿许可证,没收违法所得,处以罚款。
- The water rights transfer system is based on the rationale of institutional economics. 水权转让建立在制度经济学基础之上。
- This is the first time that companies have been able to bid for exploration rights for oil resources under the jurisdiction of East Timor. 这是东帝汶首次允许公司对其管辖下的石油资源勘探权进行投标。
- Her clothes are always right up to the minute. 她的衣服总是式样最新的。
- Land use rights transfer income after deducting operating expenses land sold all over finances. 土地使用权出让收入扣除土地出让业务费后,全部上交财政。
- A stampede of energy companies has snapped up exploration rights, drilling more than 700 wells last year alone, and building pipelines. 能源公司蜂拥抢购开采权,单去年一年就钻探了700多个矿井,还建起了输气管道。