- Don't play on words, I can't catch the meaning. 你不要玩文字游戏,我不懂。
- The advertising slogan was a play on words. 那条广告口号是双关语。
- Most of the comedians jokes involved a play on words. 喜剧演员的笑话大多是一语双关。
- The act or an instance of playing on words. 俏皮话的行为或实例
- What is your explanation on these series of accidents? 对于这一连串的事故你怎么解释呢?
- I hope you're like me--hooked on words forever. 我希望你和我一样--永远与文字结不解之缘。
- This paper makes a systematic explanation on the relative problems. 本文就相关问题做了较为系统的说明。
- Don't play on words,I can't catch the meaning. 你不要玩文字游戏,我不懂。
- The advertising sloganwas a play on words. 那条广告口号是双关语。
- Comedies also play on words to create fun. 喜剧也利用双关语制造笑料。
- Like punning, programming is a play on words. 如同双关语,编程也是一种文字游戏。
- For a detailed explanation on how the Traffic Allocator works, click here. 为详细的解释,就如何分配器交通工程,点击这里。
- Much English humor consists of plays on words. 许多英语幽默都运用了双关语。
- The combination of ORZ itself is a kuso on words. 字母ORZ的组合自身就是对字词的恶搞。
- explanation on words 词语考释
- The explanation on the draft law shall cover the necessity of its enactment and its main contents. 法律草案的说明应当包括制定该法律的必要性和主要内容。
- Here is a more detailed explanation on the 3 BUY and SELL conditions.The RMO detects the primary trend. 这里是关于3个买入卖出条件的更详细的解释:RMO 能预示主要的发展趋势。
- This book will help you learn how to make a play on words. 这本书将会帮助你学习如何巧妙地运用词语。
- To clear the air, an explanation on why I consistently and persistently refused to do so is warranted. 为了以免误会,让我解释为什么我一致和坚持地拒绝多次的邀请。
- And God rested, chuckling at His own little play on words. 神安息了,对于刚才自己的一语双关,他吃吃地笑了。