- The expiration of contract is coming. 合同快到期了。
- When is the expiration of your driving license? 你的驾驶执照何时到期?
- reserve for expiration of patents [经] 专利权销减准备
- Plus a number of patent protected varieties. 加上一些专利保护品种。
- Of, relating to, or involving the expiration of air from the lungs. 呼气的呼气的,关于或涉及呼出肺中空气的
- The shipment must arrive here before the expiration of the license. 这批货物必须在许可证期满前运到。
- Question 1: What types of patent can be provided in Macao? 问1:澳门具有什么类型的专利?
- expiration of patent 专利权期满
- The Seller shall not prohibit the Buyer from using the patent and / or know-how after the expiration of the Contract. 卖方不得阻止买方在本合同到期后继续使用该专利和/或专有技术。
- Where the fee and the surcharge are not paid within the time limit, the patent right shall lapse from the expiration of the time limit within which the annual fee should be paid. 期满未缴纳的,专利权自应当缴纳年费期满之日起终止。
- The contract may be renewed on expiration of that term. 合同期满可以续订。
- Where the fee and the surcharge are not paid within the time limit,the patent right shall lapse from the expiration of the time limit within which the annual fee should be paid. 费用和追加罚款期满未缴纳的,专利权自应当缴纳年费期满之日起终止。
- Recommend out of research and review of patents. 研发的推荐及专利的审核。
- Expiration of the time for which it has been granted; -written refusal by the certificate owner, considered from the day of deposit with the Patent Office. 证书所有人以书面表明拒绝接受证书,视为自该证书寄存在专利局之日起即失效。
- He had received a grant of patent for his invention. 他已获得他发明的专利权的授予。
- One the expiration of the sentence he will be re-expeled. 刑期届满时他将再度被驱逐。
- He has received a grant of patent for his invention. 他已获得他发明的专利权的授予。
- Compulsory licensing and international exhaustion of patent rights. 些灵活性的数量,如,强制许可和专利权的国际用尽。
- One who is at the expiration of the sentence will be re-expeled. 刑期届满时他将再度被驱逐。
- SPV is the key to the success of Patent securitization. SPV是整个专利资产证券化成功的关键。