- experto crede 相信有经验者的话
- Non si crede al santo finche non fa il miracolo. 看不到奇迹的话,就别相信他是圣人。
- Lo scemo crede tutto quel che si dice, ma l’uomo prudente bada ai suoi passi. 精明的人却步步谨慎。
- Harry Cyril M, Crede Charles E. Shock and vibration handbook second edition. McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1976. 徐敏,”船舶动力机械的振动、冲击与测量”,北京:国防工业出版社,1981。
- Chi crede in me, come ha detto la Scrittura, fiumi d’acqua viva sgorgheranno dal suo seno. 信我的人,就像圣经所说的,从他的腹中要涌流出活水的江河来。”
- Di lui attestano tutti i profeti che chiunque crede in lui riceve la remission de’ peccati mediante suo nome. 他吩咐我们向人民传讲,郑重证明他是 神所立,审判活人死人的主。
- VCUG and Urodynamics the check hints Tupy drainage urine than Crede method urinate obvious jugular appearance in bladder of damage and long-term the function of urethra. VCUG及尿流动力学检查提示持续导尿较C rede法排尿明显损害膀胱颈形态和远期尿道功能。
- Methods During the rehabilitation nursing,we used the Crede s method in 68 cases as study group and the previous 56 patients with paraplegia were acted as control group. 方法前瞻性地对68例截瘫患者的膀胱区行手法挤压,并以既往的55例截瘫病例作为对照,比较其导尿管留置时间、泌尿系感染的发生率。
- Objective To observe the effect of Crede s method (manual press and massage on the bladder region) for recovery of the urination function in patients with paraplegia. 目的观察手法挤压排尿在帮助截瘫患者恢复膀胱功能中的临床效果。
- A chi crede,Dio provvede. 上帝眷顾自己的信徒。
- Crede C E. Vibration and shock isolation. John Wiley &Sons Inc. ,1951 白鸿柏;黄协清.;干摩擦振动系统响应计算方法研究
- infatti col cuore si crede per ottener la giustizia e con la bocca si fa confessione per esser salvati. 因为心里相信就必称义,用口承认就必得救。
- experto credite (= believe in the expert)[拉] 相信专家, 信任有经验者
- Crede maneuver Crede手法
- Crede method 克勒德法
- Crede prophylaxis 克瑞德预防法
- Crede's antiseptic [医] 克勒德氏防腐剂(枸橼酸银)
- Crede's maneuver [医] 克勒德氏法(新生儿硝酸银滴眼法, 腹外用手压出胎盘法)
- Crede's method [医] 克勒德氏法(新生儿硝酸银滴眼法; 腹外用手压出胎盘法)
- Crede's Ointment [医] 克勒德氏软膏(含胶体银软膏, 擦用治败血病)