- the Public Expenditure Budget Management 公共支出预算管理
- total railage expenditure budget management system 铁路运输总支出预算管理系统
- An Economic Analysis on the Public Expenditure Budget Management 公共支出预算管理的经济学分析
- Study on the Expenditure Budget Management in Shipping Support System 航运支持系统的支出预算管理研究
- On the Special Business Expenditure Budgets Management 专项业务预算管理刍议
- expenditure budget management 支出管理
- Article 22 Donation Management When conducting donative sports contests, the sponsor must report the revenue and expenditure budget of contest funds to the MPCSC for approval. 第二十二条(募捐性收入的处理)举办募捐性体育竞赛,举办人应当将竞赛经费收支预算报市体委批准。
- Department budget is the core of budget management. 摘要部门预算是预算管理的核心。
- Article 11 Governments at all levels shall raise funds for social education expenditure, and with each expenditure budget, setout a category solely for social education. 第11条(社会教育经费)各级政府,应宽筹社会教育经费,并于各该教育经费预算内,专列社会教育经费科目。
- According to the unified deployment of our country,Shandong province pushed forward the project expenditure budget reform in 2001 and has made a marked success. 根据国家的统一部署,山东省于2001年推行了项目支出预算改革并取得了显著的成绩。
- Proposed the cost of operation law and the budget management joins argument. 提出作业成本法与预算管理相接合的论点。
- Capital expenditure budget . 固定资本投资预算
- All of the revenue from donative sports contests, excluding the payment of necessary cost expenditure according to the approved revenue and expenditure budget of contest funds, must be handed over to the donee. 举办募捐性体育竞赛的收入,除按照经批准的竞赛经费收支预算,支付必要的成本开支外,必须全部交付受捐人。
- Based on theory and practice, the author discusses the new budget management model. 本文通过理论与实践相结合,提出新的预算管理模式。
- Foreign large and medium-sized enterprises have been widely using budget management and obtained the good achievement. 国外的大中型企业已普遍采用预算管理并取得了一定的成效。
- Secondly, the comprehensive budget management will be completed with the B / S structure and. 二是将全面预算管理系统用B/S架构的.
- Financial Planning has the responsibility to develop, implement and maintain the OCOG financial plan and its various revenue and expenditure budgets. 财务计划部门负责制定、执行和修改组委会的财务计划及其各种收支预算;
- So as to the detailed financialmanagement rules, such as the budget management, the investment and the financial, are not the point of this article. 至于具体的各项财务管理制度的内容,如预算管理、投融资制度等则不是本文论述的重点。
- Police academies have reformed and brought forth new ideas on budget management as the constant deepening of economic system reforms. 摘要随着经济体制改革的不断深入,公安院校预算管理工作也进行者改革创新。
- Under this background, the author launched the inquisition to the complete budget management in state-owned enterprise A. 本文正是在这个背景下,展开了对A国有企业全面预算管理的调查。