- expand American power abroad 扩大在美国在国外势力
- He is right that American power is circumscribed. 他正确地判定美国的权力已经受到限制。
- They claimed that the assertion of American power might wipe out “Vietnam syndrome”: but it has ended up making America more reluctant to intervene abroad. 他们表示维护美国强力可以根除“越南症候群”,但这最终导致美国干预外国事务愈加捉襟见肘。
- It even provides the party with a tool for advancing soft power abroad. 它甚至为共产党提供了一个在海外推进软实力的工具。
- The first American power loom was constructed in 1813. 美国的第一架电动织布机建于1813年。
- Second, we should expand American oil production by tapping into the extraordinary potential of oil shale. 第二,我们应该通过开发临时潜在的油页岩来扩大美国石油产量。
- First, we should expand American oil production by increasing access to the Outer Continental Shelf, or OCS. 首先,我们应该通过增加对外大陆架的使用来扩大美国石油产量。
- China sees advantages for itself in any diminution of American power. 但凡论及削弱美国,中国无不自峙优势。
- First, we should expand American oil production by increasing access to offshore exploration on the Outer Continental Shelf, or OCS. 首先,我们应该通过增加开发外大陆架临海区域的权利来扩大美国的石油产品。
- Nixon went to ruminate about how Brezhnev understood American power and Nixon in particular. 尼克松接着又追述勃列日涅夫怎样理解美国的力量,特别是尼克松的力量。
- Unlike a true city-state, a free city has little ability to exert power abroad, but cantons and free cities have been known to resist the aggression of larger states with tenacity and determination. 和真正的城邦不同的是,一座自由城市几乎没有什么向外扩张的力量,但是众所周知这些行政区和自由城市有着足够的坚韧和决心抵抗住更大一些的国家的侵略。
- Cuba is a top Pan American power and has developed numerous world wrestling champions. 古巴是泛美地区摔跤强国,曾涌现出许多世界摔跤冠军。
- Venezuela is planning to nationalise its biggest electricity group, now majority-owned by AES, an American power company. 委内瑞拉计划将其最大的电力集团国有化,目前该集团由美国的一家电力公司AES控股。
- Cuba is a top Pan American power and has developed numerous world wrestling champions. 古巴是泛美地区摔跤强国,曾涌现出许多世界摔跤冠军。
- For some time to come, the burden of projecting American power will fall even more heavily on the air force and navy. 对于即将到来的一段时间,凸现美国霸权的重担更多的将落在空军和海军身上。
- His determination to focus American power on Afghanistan, Pakistan and proliferation was prescient. 他决心把美军重点放在阿富汗和巴基斯坦,有预见地防止扩散。
- It is fearful of accusations that it harbours plans to challenge American power and change the world order. 它非常担心对其图谋挑战美国实力和改变世界秩序的指责。
- But even if it does, will Europeans show the necessary tolerance for American power? 然而,即便如此,欧洲人对美国的权威会表现出必要的容忍吗?
- How did these supposedly ignorant buffoons arrive at the heart of the American power structure? 那么,这些过去人们眼中愚昧无知的小丑,又是如何深入到美国权利结构的中心?
- The company is eager to expand into new markets. 那家公司急欲开辟新的市场。