- There are various kinds of images in the shape to exorcise evil spirits, it is apparent of course. 辟邪形态有各种形象,表观为凶猛异常。
- to exorcise evil spirits; to counteract evil force 辟邪
- Research on Mallets to Exorcise Evil Spirits 终椎研索
- It exorcises evil spirits to be ancient times spirit beast in being sharp Fu, like lions and take the wing. 是一件别开生面的精品。辟邪是古代傅锐中的神兽,似狮而带翼。
- According to Buddhism,sachets have the functions of exorcising evil spirits. 在佛家看来,它更有驱邪避祟的功能。
- The folk spreads the brave intention to protect the view which the main heart, can protect the house from demons exorcises evil spirits. 民间流传着貔貅心怀护主之心、能镇宅辟邪的说法。
- Brave (pronunciation “skin rests”), other name day wealth, exorcises evil spirits, was China ancient times in the myth fable god beast, the dragon ninth. 貔貅(读音“皮休”),又名天禄、辟邪,是中国古代神话传说中的神兽,龙的第九子。
- Following three are the heteromorphous monsters fully, has protects the house from demons exorcises evil spirits making false analogies or strained interpretations. 下面三足是异形怪兽,有镇宅辟邪之附会。
- A noodle shop delivery worker lured a teenager to bed by claiming he could exorcise the evil spirit he claimed was possessing her. 一名面档送外卖工人向一名青年声称可以帮她驱鬼来引诱她上床。
- He thought he was possessed with an evil spirit. 他认为自己被鬼魂附了身。
- A subordinate evil spirit;a demon. 恶魔从属的邪恶灵魂;恶魔
- What need have I for such a great evil spirit? 为什么我需要如此邪恶的念头呢?
- To the Venda, the snake is not an evil spirit. 对文达人来说,蛇不是邪恶的灵魂。
- Nor is it the word of an evil spirit accursed. 这不是被放逐的恶魔的言辞,
- Aptly patterned men perform the Wutu, or "tiger," dance, meant to dispel disease and exorcise evil, in the Chinese village of Nianduhu. 在中国年都乎村,画有斑纹的男子在跳于菟(同‘虎’)舞,以期驱魔除疾。
- An evil spirit believed to descend upon and have sexual intercourse with women as they sleep. 阴库巴斯恶鬼,梦淫妖据说会趁女人熟睡压而在女人身上并与其交配的恶鬼
- This charm will protect a man from possession by evil spirits. 这个护身符将保护人不致著魔。
- For Jesus had said to him, "Come out of this man, you evil spirit! 是因耶稣曾吩咐他说:“污鬼啊,从这人身上出来吧!
- The evil spirit possessed not only his body, but his mind as well. 恶魔不仅使他从肉体上疯狂,也让他鬼迷心窍。
- And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I kn. 恶鬼回答他们说,耶稣我认识,保罗我也知道。你们却是谁呢。