- exiting tracheal tube 气管拔管
- An Evaluation of the Retromolar Space for Oral Tracheal Tube Placement for Maxillofacial Surgery in Children. 对于行颌面部手术的儿童,评估磨牙后空间与口腔器官插管的关系。
- Automatic control of tracheal tube cuff pressure in ventilated patients in semirecumbent position: A randomized trial. 机械通气患者半卧位时气管插管气囊压力自动调控的随机研究。
- I have tired not to cry as my wife fitted the trachea tube that I had coughed out back into my throat.(Thankfully,I no longer need it. 当我妻子帮我把咳出喉咙的气管重新放回我的喉咙时,我努力不让自己哭出来。(谢天谢地,我现在再也不需要这鬼东西了。)
- Telescoping Tracheal Tubes into Catheters Minimizes Epistaxis during Nasotracheal Intubation in Children. 气管导管内的望远镜能够降低儿童经鼻气管插管时的鼻出血。
- LASER-TRACH Laser Resistant Tracheal Tube 产品名称:抗激光气管导管
- Use of tracheal tube in tracheotomy 一次性气管导管在气管切开术中的应用
- A Simple Method to Make a Lab Rat Trachea Tube 大白鼠气管插管的一种简易制作方法
- He headed a crowd off from the wrong exit. 他上前阻止人群从错的出口出去。
- Please locate the nearest emergency exit. 请指明最靠近的太平门位置。
- The Application of Guiding Core for Replacing the Tracheal Tube 引导管芯在更换经口气管导管的应用
- The person of ingratitude has a sad exit at last. 那个忘恩负义的人最终的下场很可悲。
- Emergency medical services tracheal tube or cricothyrotomy kits 急救导管或气管切开工具
- I was eventually granted an exit visa. 我终于获得了出境签证。
- The heroine makes her exit (from the stage). 女主角退场。
- A display device that uses a cathode ray tube. 一种使用阴极射线管的显示装置。
- The word "exit" was lettered on the door. "出口"两字写在门上。
- He held the test tube in his hand thoughtfully. 他沉思地把试管拿在手里。
- There is only one exit from the theater. 这家戏院只有一个出口处。
- At the roundabout, take the third exit. 在环状交叉路口,从第三条出路驶出。