- The widowed mother exerted herself to the utmost to send her son to college. 那位守寡的母亲尽全力让儿子念大学。
- She'll have to exert herself more than she does now if she wants to succeed in sales. 要想在销售方面成功,她将不得不加倍努力。
- Susan exerted herself all year to earn good marks. 苏珊终年努力,以期取得好成绩。
- She exerted herself all year to earn good marks. 她整年努力以期获得好分数。
- We feel so sorry for her cause she exerted herself and was failed. 因为她那么努力还是失败了,所以我们都为她感到倍加遗憾。
- Rebecca sang far better than her friend, and exerted herself to the utmost. 利蓓加唱得比她朋友高明得多,而且非常卖力。
- She dolled herself up as though she was a girl of eighteen. 她打扮得花枝招展,好像是个十八岁的姑娘似的。
- The shy girl tried to make herself as inconspicuous as possible. 那个怕羞的女孩子尽量使自己不被人注意。
- Exert thy voice, sweet harbinger of spring! 敞开嗓门吧,春天甜美的使者!
- He doesn't have to exert himself on my behalf. 他不必为我费那么大力气。
- She preened herself upon her beauty. 她为自已的美貌感到自满。
- The fox betook herself to the thicket. 那只孤狸逃进了灌木丛。
- She deluded herself with false hopes. 她以虚幻的希望欺骗自己。
- She secludes herself in her study to work. 她把自己关在书房里埋头研究。
- A holiday would help to take her out of herself. 她要是去度假就能散散心。
- She carved out a name for herself as a reporter. 她靠苦干而成了有名的记者。
- She committed herself to philanthropy. 她专心从事慈善事业。
- She enjoyed herself to the utmost at the circus. 她观看马戏快活得无以复加。
- She ran herself out in the first few kilometers. 她才跑了几公里就没力气了。
- The duchess bedeck herself with jewel. 公爵夫人用珠宝装扮自己。