- The relevant state authorities shall exercise supervision over the contractual joint ventures according to law. 国家有关机关依法对合作企业实行监督。
- Media units have the right to exercise supervision over price through public opinion. 新闻单位有权进行价格舆论监督。
- Administrations for industry and commerce shall exercise supervision and control over pyramid marketing activities. 工商行政管理机关对传销活动进行监督管理。
- The relevant State authority shall exercise supervision over the contractual joint ventures according to law. 合作企业必须遵守中国的法律、法规,不得损害中国的社会公共利益。
- The National People's Congress and its Standing Committee exercise supervision over the central and local budgets and final accounts. 第六十六条全国人民代表大会及其常务委员会对中央和地方预算、决算进行监督。
- The customs office will exercise supervision and control according to the law over donated goods that enjoy tax exemptions or reductions. 海关对减免关税的捐赠物品依法实施监督和管理。
- Exercise supervision over the employers with regard to the implementation of labour discipline and the laws and regulations. 对用人单位遵守劳动法律、法规的情况进行监督。
- The Auctioning Industry Association shall exercise supervision over auction enterprises and auctioneers in accordance with this Law and its articles of Association. 拍卖行业协会依照本法并根据章程,对拍卖企业和拍卖师进行监督。
- The administrative authority for industry and commerce shall exercise supervision and control over wildlife or the products thereof that are placed on the market. 工商行政管理部门对进入市场的野生动物或者其产品,应当进行监督管理。
- The relevant departments under the State Council shall exercise supervision and administration in the work within the scope of their functions and responsibilities respectively. 国务院有关部门在各自的职责范围内负责节能监督管理工作。
- Audit institutions shall exercise supervision through auditing over the assets, liabilities, profits and losses of the State-owned monetary organizations. 审计机关对国有金融机构的资产、负债、损益,进行审计监督。
- A people's procuratorate shall exercise supervision in accordance with the law over the legality of activities conducted by prisons in execution of criminal punishments. 第六条人民检察院对监狱执行刑罚的活动是否合法,依法实行监督。
- Article 18 The National Audit Administration shall exercise supervision through auditing over the financial revenues and expenditures of the Central Bank. 第十八条审计署对中央银行的财务收支,进行审计监督。
- When necessary, the customs may send personnel to exercise supervision at checkpoints to check and release means of transport and cargos under customs supervision. 海关认为必要时,可以派员实施卡口监管,核实、放行海关监管运输工具、货物。
- The administrative authorities for industry and commerce at different levels shall,through the administration of trademarks,exercise supervision over the quality of the goods and shall stop any practice that deceives consumers. 各级工商行政管理部门应当通过商标管理,监督商品质量,制止欺骗消费者的行为。
- Article 52 The price administration department under the State Council,together with the department in charge of the coal industry under the State Council and other relevant departments,shall exercise supervision and control over the price of coal. 第五十二条 国务院物价行政主管部门会同国务院煤炭管理部门和有关部门对煤炭的销售价格进行监督管理。
- Article 66 Land administrative departments of the people's governments at and above the county level shall exercise supervision and examination on violations to the land administrative law and administrative decrees. 第六十六条县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门对违反土地管理法律、法规的行为进行监督检查。
- Article17 The National Audit Administration shall, under the leadership of the Premier of the State Council, exercise supervision through auditing over the implementation of the central budget and submit audit reports thereon to the Premier. 第十七条审计署在国务院总理领导下,对中央预算执行情况进行审计监督,向国务院总理提出审计结果报告。
- Public security, transportation, railway, fishery, and other such administrative authorities in line with their respective responsibilities shall exercise supervision and management of the prevention over exhaust pollution by motor vehicles and vessels. 各级公安、交通、铁道、渔业等管理部门根据各自的职责,对机动车船排气污染防治实施监督管理。
- If necessary, SIQSAQ may accredit other inspection institutions to undertake the pre-inspections for a partial quantity of used mechanical and electrical products to be imported, and exercise supervision and administration over such institutions. 根据需要,可以认可其他检验机构承担部分进口旧机电产品的装运前预检验,并对其实施监督管理。