- He is a man of great executive ability. 他是个具有极高管理才能的人。
- Skill in managing; executive ability. 经营才能管理技巧;处事的能力
- Their executive ability is considerable. 巨蟹座的执行能力是相当强的。
- What does executing ability consist of ? 执行力由什么构成呢?
- The IG Commissar Execute ability no longer stacks. IG政委的枪毙效果不再叠加。
- Ideology, organization situation and executive system can influence the executive ability of the political party. 执政党的意识形态、组织状况、执政体制等都会对一定政党的执政能力发生影响。
- Executive ability is a talent for deciding something quickly and getting someone else to do it. 决策能力是指能很快做决定并让他人来执行。
- Make great efforts to raise the executive ability of COSCO (Hongkong) Group Ltd. 学习理解"执行"提高中远香港的"执行力"
- The essay makes some categorization and analysis. Therefore educe new and comprehensive annotations of executive ability. 摘要本文对关于执行力的研究做出分类与分析,使执行力一词能被较全面地认识与理解。
- Without high quality manpower or workforce as the support, a city will not be able to elevate her competitiveness and executive ability. 因此,本文拟就台南市政府目前健全公务员素质的作法提供实务经验:从如何甄补高素质人力;
- Current, existence is returned to carry out recognizant lack, executive ability to owe in our various controller and employee rank.. 当前;在我们的各级治理者和员 工队伍中还存在执行意识缺乏、执行能力欠...
- Possess strong executional ability and team-work spirit. 具较强的执行能力和团队建设精神。
- Well developed operation, strategic and executional ability. 高超的运营、战略规划和执行能力。
- Such current situation and Tecent company's super executive ability is united in wedlock together, accomplished " penguin is Caesarean " beautiful praise. 这样的现状与腾讯公司高超的执行能力结合在一起,成就了“企鹅帝国”的美誉。
- A lot of teams not only embodies the unique creativity, but also we see a very strong executive ability, perseverance, teamwork, the ability to have fought side by side. 很多代表队不仅体现了独特的创意,更让我们看到了很强的执行力,坚持不懈的精神,团队协作,并肩战斗的能力。
- E-process is beneficial for enhancing strategy executive ability and promoting the combination among strategy management,budget management and performance management. 企业流程E化有利于提升战略执行力,促使企业战略管理、预算管理和绩效管理有机地结合起来。
- Besides,a principal is judged by his executive abilities rather than his commitment to the ideal of education. 何况,制度重视的是校长的执行操作能力多于对教育的热情。
- Besides, a principal is judged by his executive abilities rather than his commitment to the ideal of education. 何况,制度重视的是校长的执行操作能力多于对教育的热情。
- There fore it can be seen that the moon in this position gives the artistic temperament, creative ability, a high type of mental understanding, but no executive ability, and little strength of character. 因此,可以看到的是,月亮在这个星座的人拥有着艺术家的气质,有创造力,理解力强,但是却缺乏执行力,没有性格。
- The President of the US is the chief executive. 美国总统是最高行政长官。