- He was prosecuted and executed for murder just the same. 他很可能照样因为杀人罪被起诉,被处死。
- Her father-in-law was executed for murder two years ago. 她的公公两年前因谋杀被处死了。
- She was executed for murder. 她因谋杀而被处决。
- The punishment for murder is death. 杀人者处死刑。
- The man was wanted by the police for murder. 这个人因谋杀罪而被警方通缉。
- She went on/stood trial for murder. 她因涉及谋杀罪而受审.
- Three men be execute for treason . 3个男子因叛国被处死。
- The death penalty for murder works on the principle of an eye for an eye. 犯谋杀罪处以死刑,其原则是一命抵一命。
- PHP code to execute for every input line. 对每个输入行都执行PHP代码。
- PHP file to execute for every input line. 对每个输入行都执行PHP文件。
- He has a weakness for murder stories. 他特别喜欢谋杀故事。
- He was jailed for life for murder. 他因杀人罪被终生监禁。
- What is the punishment for murder? 谋杀应处以什么刑罚?
- The speech did good execution for our side. 这篇讲话对我们这一方大有良好效果。
- He faced execution by hanging for murder. 他因谋杀要以绞刑处死。
- Bill Robinson is on trial for murder. 比尔?鲁滨逊因谋杀而受审。
- The senator was indicted for murder. 那位参议员被控犯谋杀罪。
- "Dial M for Murder" is a great thriller. “电话谋杀案”是一部了不起的恐怖片。
- The identification number of the first step to execute for the job. 作业中要执行的第一个步骤的标识号。
- They're going to try Alex Morden here for murder. 他们要在这个地方把亚历山大当杀人犯来审问。