- exchange risk exposure 外汇风险暴露
- You may open an account in one of 5 base currencies, allowing you to avoid exposure to exchange risk when depositing and withdrawing funds. 您可以选取5种基准货币的其中一种作为您所开立账户的基准货币,以避免存款或取款时可能因兑换率改变而导致的损失。
- You may open an account in one of 8 base currencies, allowing you to avoid exposure to exchange risk when depositing and withdrawing funds. 您可以选取8种基准货币的任意来开立账户,以避免存款或取款时可能因兑换率改变而导致的损失。
- This would reduce your risk exposure when any company or sector or region suddenly experiences a sharp decline. 当任何公司、行业、地区突然经历经济衰退时这样可以减少你的风险。
- Assessing the credit risk exposure and the various methodologies used by risk managers for hedging credit risk. 衡量信用风险和各种用来对冲信用风险的方法
- This would reduce your risk exposure should any one company or sector or region suddenly experience a sharp decline. 如果有足够的资源,甚至投资的地区也应多元化。
- With corporate bonds,an investor can opt for a lower risk exposure than with equities but a higher income yield than with government bonds. 这类投资的风险不比股票大,收益又高出政府债券。
- Toy customers chose to minimize their risk exposure through active product diversification to appeal to a broader spectrum of consumers. 集团的客户积极透过增加产品多样性,冀望藉此吸引更广泛的消费者,以尽量减低经营风险。
- Convertible Deposits are subject to currency exchange risk and may result in gains or losses. 高息外币投资存款涉及外汇风险,可能带来利润或损失。
- This article explains the common methods for measuring interest rate risk exposure and provides an overview of the approach adopted by the HKMA. 本文解释一般用于评估利率风险的方法,以及概述金融管理局所采取的方针。
- The textual point consists in the study againsts with dissolve the foreign exchange risk method. 本文的重点在于探讨防范和化解外汇风险方法。
- With corporate bonds, an investor can opt for a lower risk exposure than with equities but a higher income yield than with government bonds. 这类投资的风险不比股票大,收益又高出 政府债券。
- But as a younger investor, you want to have a bit more risk exposure, since greater risk tends to translate into greater returns over the long term. 不过,作为一名较年轻的投资者,你应该拥有多一些的风险敞口,原因是长远来看,更大的风险往往意味着更高的回报。
- An enterprise may deal with a hedging of foreign exchange risk of firm commitment as a cash flow hedging or fair value hedging. 对确定承诺的外汇风险进行的套期,企业可以作为现金流量套期或公允价值套期处理。
- Yesterday, HSBC, Nomura Securities, Italy and the United Bank of Credit and Mo-Astoria news events related to the huge risk exposure. 昨日,汇丰银行、野村证券、意大利联合信贷银行又传出与莫道夫事件相关的巨额风险敞口。
- If the hedged risk is a credit risk or foreign exchange risk, the held-to-maturity investment may be designated a hedged item. 第十条被套期风险是信用风险或外汇风险的,持有至到期投资可以指定为被套期项目。
- Reported that the well-known Swiss private bank UBP Asset Management in Mo-Astoria fund risk exposure may be up to 10 million. 报道称,瑞士知名私人银行UBP资产管理公司在莫道夫基金中的风险敞口可能达10亿美元。
- When they choose to invest money in financial assets denominated in foreign currencies, they incur exchange risk as well. 若银行选择投资于外币金融资产,便要承担外汇风险。
- Identifying the interest rate risk as well as foreign exchange rate risk exposures. 识别利率风险和外汇风险的程度
- In general, controls and displays should be organized in an interface according to three attributes: frequency of use, degree of dislocation, and degree of risk exposure. 一般来说,界面中的控件和显示应该根据3个属性来组织,即使用频率、混乱程度和风险暴露程度。