- He had an excess income from his part time job. 他通过兼职有一份额外的收入。
- Income disparity can breed a healthy sense of competition. 收入差异能够培育出健康的竞争意识;
- Another non-nefarious cause of increasing income disparity may be our ever-higher immigration rates. 造成收入差距加大的另一个不可指责的原因或许是攀升的移民率。
- Gini coefficient arid Theil index are both guidelines to weigh imparity, their factor analysis are the better method to clarify income disparity. 摘要基尼系数和泰尔熵指标都是衡量不平等性的重要指标,特别是它们的分解能进一步对不平等性进行因素分析。
- Does present income disparity mean polarization between the rich and thepoor in China? 我国目前收入差距是不是两极分化?
- Poverty and income disparity is serious in Hong Kong; and poverty situation in different districts varies. 香港贫穷及贫富不均的情况十分严重,不同地区的贫穷情况亦有很大差异。
- Others get either inadequate incomes or excessive incomes. 其它人得到不合适的或过多的收入。
- This paper analyses the Chinese income disparity and social stability problems used the game theory. 运用博弈理论分析中国收入差距与社会稳定问题有一定意义。
- Income disparities have narrowed sharply. 收入的差距已明显缩小。
- He warned that a growing income disparity between rich and poor could lead to resentment and social unrest. 他警告说,贫富之间日渐加大的收入差距,可能会导致不满情绪和社会动乱。
- Based on the cost method of reserves value calculation,the paper puts forward the value evaluation model of natural gas reserves(excess income general model)for the first time. 本文在成本法计算储量价值的基础上,首次提出了天然气的储量价值评估模型(超额收益综合模型)。
- It is concluded that only when the tax Gini coefficient is lager than pre-tax Gini coefficient will the individual tax policy can reduce the income disparity. 结论是只有当税赋基尼系数大于税前基尼系数时,征收个人所得税才能对收入分配起到调节作用。
- It has one of the highest GDP per capita in the world, ahead of the United States on 2007 figures, but ranks alongside Kenya for income disparity. 他的平均每人国民生产毛额是全球最高的国家之一,2007年的数值还领先美国,但收入不均的排名与肯尼亚旗鼓相当。
- Hong Kong community is now facing challenges brought by severe income disparity, decline of family solidarity, and lack of development opportunities for the vulnerable groups. 香港社会正面临家庭凝聚力下降、贫富悬殊、弱势社群欠缺发展机会等多重挑战。
- Income disparity between urban and rural residents is a big issue affecting China's economic development and social stability, and thus a hot concern of many scholars. 城乡居民收入差距问题是制约我国经济进一步发展和社会稳定的大问题,是许多学者关注和研究的话题。
- At present, the wide income disparity is the prominent manifestation of unharmonious relations in interests, the main reason being the income distribution system and policy. 当前,社会收入差距拉大是利益关系不协调的突出表现,主要原因在于收入分配体制和分配政策。
- Based on the utility function considering fairness, it analyses that the social low income populations sensitive degree of income disparity has effect on their decision. 在具有公平因素偏好的效用函数基础上分析社会低收入阶层决策对收入差距敏感程度的影响;
- Such opposition has been fuelled by problems such as growing income disparity and the loss of public assets during poorly regulated privatisations of state enterprises. 收入差距日益扩大、国有企业私有化过程中监管不力所造成的公共资产流失等问题,激起了一些人对改革的反对情绪。
- The income disparity of residents is an important factor that leads to the lopsided development of the developed countries and the developing countries. 居民的收入差距是导致发达国家和发展中国家基础教育发展失衡的一个重要因素。
- While GNI per capita are associated with better financial depth, inflation associated with worse one, GNI and income disparity are associated with better financial breadth. 人均国民收入对金融深度的影响为正,通货膨胀对金融深度的影响为负,它们对金融宽度没有影响。