- excess bank reserves 超额银行准备金
- The Bank reserves the right to demand repayment at any time. 本行保留权利随时要求偿还款项。
- The Bank reserves the right to accept any order for collection only. 本行保留仅以代收方式接纳任何付款指示之权利。
- The overheated economy resulted in a number of problems. For instance, the issue of excess bank notes led to a major price fluctuation. 经济过热,确实带来了一些问题,比如票子发得多了点,物价波动大了些。
- The US currency and Treasuries dominate the holdings of central bank reserves around the world. 美国的货币和国债在世界各地的中央银行外汇储备中占主导地位。
- The Bank reserves the right to levy a handling charge if special delivery of any coupon is requested by the Cardholder. 持卡人如要求本银行以特别方式处理;寄送换取之现金券;本银行保留徵收有关手续费之权利.
- Today, those foreign countries are fearful of dollar inflation, which could decapitate their own bank reserves. 今天,这些国家担心美元会通胀,进而可能导致它们的银行储备严重缩水。
- Note: P.O. Box is not acceptable. The bank reserves its right by designating its branch for card collection as it thinks fit. 注意:郵政信箱恕不接納。於特別情況下,銀行有權要求客戶於指定分行領取其信用卡。
- Note: P. O. Box is not acceptable. The Bank reserves its right by designating its branch for card collection as it thinks fit. 注意:郵政信箱恕不接納。於特別情況下,銀行有權要求客戶於指定分行领取其信用卡。
- American Express Bank reserves the final right to accept or reject a request to open a Foreign Currency Margin Trading Account based on internal client suitability requirements. 美国运通银行保留最终权利按其内部对客户合符开户条件与否的要求而决定接纳或拒绝为客户开立外汇孖展投资户口。
- In case of error or irregularity being found regarding this application, the Bank reserves the right to debit your account or claim on you at once the whole amount of any cost/ loss caused by it. 倘若发现以上申请所填报之资料有错误,本行保留权利向阁下索偿或由阁下之户口扣除所有有关损失之全数。
- It then mops up this excess liquidity by issuing bills (as “sterilisation”) or by lifting banks' reserve requirements. 然后就要通过发行票据(类似“冻结”)或提高银行储备金来吃掉这个额外的流动性。
- PBOC Raises Bank Reserve Ratio Frequently: Why the Effects Are Not Obvious? 近期央行频繁使用存款准备金工具效果为何不明显?
- This impact of this is an expansion of the effective balance sheet at the People's Bank of China, and the resultant lift in bank reserves has seen interbank rates collapse as lending surges. 这一政策的影响就是中国央行实际资产负债表的扩张,以及银行准备金随着贷款的大幅增长而相应增加,从而导致银行同业拆息的大幅下挫。
- It then mops up this excess liquidity by issuing bills (as “sterilisation”) or by lifting banks’ reserve requirements.But all this complicates monetary policy. 届时通过发行钞票(就像“消毒”),或提高银行储备金来弥补过剩的流动性,而不是那些复杂的货币政策。
- Never spend in excess of your income. 花钱切不可超过自己的收入。
- The bank is a ten minutes' run from the hotel. 从旅馆到银行跑步需十分钟。
- Don't carry your anger to excess. 不要肝火过盛。
- Since late April, China's central bank has twice raised benchmark lending rates and bank reserve requirements. 自4月底以来,中国央行已两度上调基准贷款利率和银行存款准备金比率。
- Our school has a student number in excess of 800. 我们学校的学生数超过八百人。