- Such things provide an excellent outlet for pent- up creative energy, but unfortunately not all of us are born handy men. 这一切都为被抑制的创造性活力找到了良好的出路.;然而不幸的是我们并非都是天生的能工巧匠。
- Such things provide an excellent outlet for pent up creative energy, but unfortunately not all of us are born handymen. 这些东西为人们潜在的创造力提供了一个绝妙的用武之地。但不幸的是,我们并非人人都是能工巧匠。
- Such things provide an excellent outlet for pent up creative enerygy,buy unfortunately not all of us are born handymen. 这些东西为人们的创造潜能提供了极佳的用武之地,但不幸的是,并非人人都能工巧匠。
- Such things provide an excellent outlet for pent- up creative energy,but unfortunately not all of us are born handy men. 这一切都为被抑制的创造性活力找到了良好的出路,然而不幸的是,我们并非都是天生的能工巧匠。
- Such things provide an excellent outlet for pent up creative energy, 这些东西为人们潜在的创造力提供了一个绝妙的用武之地。
- Her house is furnished in excellent taste. 她的房屋布置得非常高雅。
- The treatise he wrote is excellent. 他写的论文很优秀。
- These boys want an outlet for their energy. 要有个办法让这些男孩子发泄他们的精力。
- There is a huge sales outlet for pocket computers. 袖珍电脑有极大的市场。
- The judge has excellent sagacity. 那个法官有敏锐的洞察力。
- Children need an outlet for their energy. 儿童的精力需要发泄出来。
- The college has excellent sporting facilities. 这所学院有极好的体育设备。
- He needs an outlet for all that pent-up anger. 他那积愤需要有机会倾吐。
- He is blessed with excellent health. 他身体好极了,真有福。
- This hall would make an excellent theatre. 这座大厅可当作极好的剧院。
- This magazine published excellent stories. 这本杂志登载优秀的小说。
- Your examination results are excellent. 你的考试成绩优异。
- It is an excellent novel in every way. 无论从哪方面来看,这都是一本优秀的小说。
- He is an excellent speaker of French. 他法语说得非常好。
- She has excellent references from former employers. 她持有以前的雇主写的很好的证明书。