- No one can alter the fact, ex post facto. 没有人能在事后改变事实本身。
- No one can alter the fact,ex post facto. 没有人能在事后改变事实本身。
- Clause 3:No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed. 不得通过任何褫夺公权的法案或者追溯既往的法律。
- No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed. 不得通过任何褫夺公权的法案或者追溯既往的法律。
- An ex post facto law prohibits the use of guns by individuals against unarmed persons trespassing on their property. 事后法阻止个人对赤手空拳的财产侵犯者使用枪支。
- So at unknown before Society restrain emotions, patience, observation, germinal remorse in order to avoid ex post facto. 在不明所以之前,先学会按捺情绪,耐心观察,以免事后生发悔意。
- Suppose an ex post facto law makes it a criminal offense to shoot unarmed trespassers on one's property for any reason whatsoever. 假设事后法使任何对赤手空拳的财产侵犯者开枪的行为定罪。
- However, a lot of ex post facto approach is the property companies will beatings from security matter, the responsibility of security beatings only security I? 但是,出事后很多物业公司的处理方式是将打人的保安开除了事,保安打人的责任仅是保安本人吗?
- Thus each module of functionality is expressed in a window or dialog, simply because it’s easier than trying to fit them cleanly together ex post facto: the classic implementation model. 每个功能模块都以一个窗口或对话框来表达,这样做仅仅是为了在后期更容易清晰地组合,即经典的实现模型。
- Thus each module of functionality is expressed in a window or dialog, simply because it's easier than trying to fit them cleanly together ex post facto: the classic implementation model. 每个功能模块都以一个窗口或对话框来表达,这样做仅仅是为了在后期更容易清晰地组合,即经典的实现模型。
- ex post facto rms forecast error 事后均方根预测误差
- ex post facto experimental design 事后回溯实验设计
- the ex post facto working of a law 法律之追溯既往
- 3. No bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall bepassed. 不得通过公民权利剥夺法案或追溯既往的法律。
- Steve Selinger, the Case against Civil Ex Post Facto Laws, the Cato Journal,Vol.15, No.2-3。 由于该法创设一项信托基金以支付尚待责任人归还的清理费用,所以又称舒坡尔基金法。
- No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed. (Article I, Section 9, paragraph 3) 美国宪法在第一条,第九款,第三段,如此写到:
- pass any Bill of Attainder,ex post facto Law,or Law impairing the obligation of contracts,or grant any Title of Nobility 通过任何褫夺公权的法案、追溯既往的法律和损害契约义务的法律 ; 也不得颁发任何贵族爵位
- pass any bill of attainder ex post facto law or law impairing the obligation of contracts or grant any title of nobility. 所有这一类的检查法律,国会对之有修正和监督之权。
- pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility. 不得通过公民权利剥夺法案、追溯既往的法律或损害契约义务的法律; 不得授予任何贵族爵位。
- Preserve managers'bargaining power ex post. 根据过去发展情况,保持经理层的谈判力。