- Riflery contestant! Every shot hits the target! 射击选手!百发百中!
- In ancient times, there is a well-known archer called Geng Lei.As his every shot hits the target, people call him the Magic Archer. 古时候魏国有个著名的射手叫更羸,他射箭百发百中,大家都管他叫“神箭手”。
- Every shot hits the target 指箭无虚发,每射必中
- Two of her shot hit the centre of the target. 她有两枪打中靶心。
- Our shooter hit the target every time without a miss. 我们的射手弹无虚发。
- A magic shot that hits the target without fail. 一定命中的魔法射击。
- He hit the target with one shot. 他一枪击中了目标。
- He won't hit the target at that distance. 他打不中那样远的目标的。
- Jack hit the target by a fluky shot. 杰克凭运气击中了靶子。
- I aimed at the target but hit the wall. 我瞄准了靶射击,但却打在了墙上。
- Her first shot hit the bull's-eye. 她第一枪就命中靶心。
- He shot (off) several bullets before hitting the target. 他射出好几发子弹才击中目标。
- New Shadowbolt graphic when it hits the target. 新的暗影箭击中效果。
- He hit the target three times without a miss. 他三发三中。
- The arrow hit the target; The car hit a tree. 箭打中在靶上;车碰撞在树上。
- The boy hit the target with his first dart. 那男孩第一镖就击中了目标。
- She hit the target with deadly accuracy. 她以高度的准确性射中了靶子。
- They didn't believe that we could hit the target. 他们不相信我们能完成指标。
- He fired and hit the outermost ring of the target. 他开枪射中了靶子的最外一环。
- I hit the target fair and square. 我不偏不斜正中靶子。