- every hour around the clock 昼夜每小时
- every two hours around the clock 昼夜每二小时
- The processing factory operated around the clock until the order was filled. 那加工厂昼夜不停地赶工,直到把定的货物赶出来为止。
- The workers work in three shifts around the clock. 工人们日夜不停地分三班轮流干活。
- We worked around the clock to finish the job. 我们为完成任务夜以继日地工作。
- He studied around the clock for his English exam. 他夜以继日地准备英语考试。
- They studied around the clock for the final-exams. 为了期末考试,他们整日学习。
- We work in shifts around the clock. 我们昼夜倒班。
- The Bank is open around the clock. 那家银行24小时营业
- The swimming pool is opened around the clock. 游泳池24小时开放。
- By the time Bill had finished tickering with the clock,its second state was worse than the first for it struck 12 at every hour of the day. 待比尔把钟修完后,钟的情况比不修还糟,因为一天每个钟点它都敲12下。
- We study for the finals around the clock. 我们日以继夜地为期末考作准备。
- By the time Bill had finished tickering with the clock, its second state was worse than the first for it struck 12 at every hour of the day. 待比尔把钟修完后,钟的情况比不修还糟,因为一天每个钟点它都敲12下。
- Nothing attracted her attention except the chimes of the clock, which she looked at every hour with her large, hallucinatory eyes. 任何事物都不能引起她的注意,除了钟鸣声,每隔一个小时,她用那大而迷幻的眼睛盯着时钟报时。
- The London bus departs every hour on the hour. 伦敦的公共汽车每小时零分开出一趟。
- He studied around the clock for his history exam. 他日以继夜地准备历史考试。
- Buses leave the central bus depot every hour. 每个小时都有公共汽车离开公共汽车中心站。
- People with very important jobs sometimes have to work around the clock. 有要职在身的人有时要日以继夜地工作。
- We live in an area in which information, goods and capital speed around the globe, every hour of every day. 我们生活在这样一个时代,信息、财产和资本每时每刻在世界上流动。
- The convenient store is open around the clock. 便利商店廿四小时营业。