- And his allowance was a continual allowance given him of the king, a daily rate for every day, all the days of his life. 王赐他所需用的食物,日日赐他一分,终身都是这样。
- May you live all the days of your life. 但愿你活过你一生所有的日子。
- Will the memory dog me all the days of my life? 这种记忆会缠绕我一生吗?
- Would you be willing to trade all the days, from this day to that. 你们是否愿意用这一切来换今天。
- I see. Would you clean up my room earlier in the days to come? I'm in the habit of taking a nap after lunch every day. 我明白了。你以后能不能早点来打扫?我有每天午饭后睡午觉的习惯。
- With all the love a heart can hold on your birthday and every day of the year. 用一颗心能倾注的全部的爱,献给你的生日和每天每日。
- Again, my heartfelt blessings to all around me happy every day, all the best! 再次,我衷心的祝福我身边的所有人天天开心,万事如意!
- Every day he trod the same path to school. 他每天都走同一条路上学。
- The new job occupied him all the days. 新工作使他整天忙个不。
- And all the days of Noah were nine hundred. 挪亚共活了九百五十岁就死了。
- He swims every day during the summer. 他夏天每天游泳。
- Let's get together on all the days. 我们会有一天聚到一起的。
- Now Samuel judged Israel all the days of his life. 撒母耳平生作以色列的士师。
- I go to the shop most every day. 我差不多每天都去商店。
- By living your life one day at a time, you live ALL the days of your life. 如果你活在每个当日,你就活出了生命中的每一天。
- The diligent student gets up before dawn every day. 这个勤奋的学生每天天亮以前就起床了。
- The local station signs on at6: 30 every day. 地方台每天6:30开始广播。
- All the days in the sled team follow the lead dog. They do whatever the lead dog does. 雪橇队所有的狗都跟随领队狗。领队狗做什麽他们就做什麽。
- They padded the same path every day. 他们每天走这同一条路。
- The young girl practices the violin every day. 这小女孩每天练习拉小提琴。