- But could a flame ever burn for a match and a stick? 但火柴与木棍相?
- A flicker of interest soon turn into the burning flames of desire. 一丝情趣的星星之火未几演成了乾柴烈火。
- Love Is a bright star Glowing in far Southern skies. Look too hard And its burning flame Will always hurt your eyes. 爱是一颗明亮的星星,在南方天空光芒四射。倘若你凝神注视着它,它那熊熊燃烧的火焰,总会把你的双眼灼伤。
- Joy, is a mass of burning flame, which easily melted ice, so that our hearts again lit a beacon, lighting the way forward. 欢乐,是一团熊熊燃烧的火焰,它轻而易举地溶化了冰,使我们心中又点亮一盏明灯,照亮前进的道路。
- On the reverse, a stylised Olympic Bowl with a burning flame (not burning a burning flame) against the background of a stadium arena. 奖牌正面右下角是一座大型竞技场的片断,上方用西里尔文字写着“1980年第22届莫斯科奥运会”。
- Natural phenomena are the non artificial occurrences that take place around us.These include formation of rain, a burning flame of the fruiting of a tree. 在我们的周围有许多自然现象发生,它并不是人为造成的。这包括雨的形成,一棵能结出能有火焰的果子的树。
- In the burning flame before him Sri Ramakrishna performed the rituals of destroying his attachment to relatives, friends, body, mind, sense-organs, ego, and the world. 室利罗摩克里希纳在燃烧的火焰面前举行了一个摧毁对亲戚、朋友、身体、头脑、感觉器官、自我和世界依附的仪式。
- The burning flames, a very interesting phone screensavers! 燃烧的火焰,一款很有意思的手机屏保!
- By observing the flame distribution of a burning flame ring, this experiment vividly shows the condition of the two oppositely travelling wave trains which cohere in the space of the ring and form standing, waves. 本实验通过观察火焰环燃烧的火苗分布,形象生动地展现了两列相向传播的波列在环内空间相干并形成驻波的情况。
- What wonder if I were completely inflamed by You to die to myself, since You are the fire ever burning and never dying, a love purifying the heart and enlightening the understanding. 祢既是常燃不熄的人,祢既是洁除心灵,光照明悟的爱,我若因著祢而全变成火,全改了我本来的面目,这又有什麽奇妙呢?
- Danzhai fire in the southern part of Ningxia in Xiji County, because it showed the dark red hills, especially in the trees Yanying, Tuan Tuan as a burning flame, which called the fire Danzhai. 火石寨,在宁夏南部的西吉县境内,由于它的山峦呈现暗红色,尤其在绿树的掩映下,如同一团团燃烧的火焰,因而取名火石寨。每当春夏时节,满山遍野花草丛生,色彩斑斓,蜂恋蝶舞,生机盎然。
- A flicker of interest soon turned into the burning flames of desire. 一丝情趣的星星之火未几演成了乾柴烈火。
- If, in brighter days the now extinguished fire within him ever burned for one woman who held him in her heart, where is she? 在那些比较得意的日子里,如果他心中那股已经熄灭的热情曾经为某个爱恋他的女人而燃烧过,那个女人在什么地方呢?
- Her eyes are the most catching I have ever seen. 她的眼睛是我见到过的最迷人的。
- Safety Controller of Burning Flame 燃烧火焰安全控制器
- The streets were as noisy as ever. 街上和往常一样喧闹。
- A fire was burning in the grate. 火在壁炉中燃烧着。
- Like that a flicker of fire can turn into the burning flames of desire,extinct volcanos can turn into active volcanos. 即使是”星星之火”也可以燎原,死火山也可以复活!
- In the coldness of winter, red leaves that are scattered everywhere created the image of burning flames, letting one feel warmth, as if wearing a red piece of clothing. 在寒冷的冬天中,散落在满地的红叶令人们联想起火焰燃烧的样子,令人感到温暖,就好像披上一件红色大衣一样。
- I was inspired to work harder than ever before. 我受激励比以往任何时候都更加努力地工作。