- They are Chiang Kai-shek's followers even unto death. 他们是蒋介石的死党。
- Loyal even unto death. 赴汤蹈火在所不辞
- That even unto death I would await you by my post And would never lose heart in the tower of silent watching. 常存抱柱信,岂上望夫台?
- And God said to Jonah, Doest thou well to be angry for the gourd? And he said, I do well to be angry, even unto death. 神对约拿说,你因这棵蓖麻发怒合乎理吗。他说,我发怒以至于死合乎理。
- Then saith he unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and watch with me. 便对他们说,我心里甚是忧伤,几乎要死。你们在这里等候,和我一同儆醒。
- And God said to Jonah, Doest thou well to be angry for the gourd? And he said, I do well to be angry, even unto death. 耶和华说,这蓖麻不是你栽种的,也不是你培养的。一夜发生,一夜乾死,你尚且爱惜。
- Our next thoughts must be of the unknown volunteers and soldiers of freedom who, without praise or reward, have served India even unto death. 其次我们想到的必定是无名的志愿者和自由战士,他们在没有赞助和奖励的情况下,为印度服务,至死方休。
- And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they loved not their soul-life even unto death. 弟兄们胜过它,是因羔羊的血,并因自己所见证的话,他们虽至于死,也不爱自己的魂生命。
- We praise You Jesus for the way You followed the will of Your Father, unswayed by the world, even unto death on a cross. 耶稣,我们赞美您专心遵行天父的旨意,您毫不被世界所动摇,最后甚至死在十字架上。
- There used to be much snapdragon growing on the walls opposite my freshman's rooms there, and I had for years taken it as the emblem of my own perpetual residence even unto death in my University. 我做一年级生所住的房间对面的墙上,总是长满了金鱼草,我过去曾以为它是一种标帜,表明我将永远住在我的大学里,直到死亡。
- The reason the Kuomintang die-herds are in trouble is this: they have stubbornly opposed the people, ridden roughshod over them and thus have isolated themselves on the pinnacle of a pagoda; moreover, they will not repent, even unto death. 国民党死硬派就是这样倒霉的,他们坚决地反对人民,站在人民的头上横行霸道,因而把自己孤立在宝塔的尖顶上,而且至死也不悔悟。
- Taking a piece of paper,she wrote,"I will not give up,even unto death!" 她拿出一张纸写道:“至死不屈!”
- Taking a piece of paper, she wrote, " I will not give up, even unto death!" 她拿出一张纸写道:“至死不屈
- The soldier was faithful unto death. 战士至死忠贞不渝。
- He hasn't come and I hate myself unto death. 想起他不来,我又该痛恨自己了!
- The knights swore loyalty unto death. 骑士们宣誓至死效忠。
- All iniquity is sin. And there is a sin unto death. 任何的不义都是罪过,但也有不至于死的罪过。
- 8 And being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, becoming obedient even unto death, and that the death of a cross. 腓二8既显为人的样子,就降卑自己,顺从至死,且死在十字架上。
- This is the sepulchre that he made in Modin even unto this day. 息孟在摩丁修建的这座坟墓,至今犹存。
- And Daniel continued even unto the first year of king Cyrus. 到古列王元年、但以理还在。