- Dilemma of the Criteria and Anxiety for the Reality: Reflections on the Current System for Evaluation of College Teachers'Classroom Teaching 标准的尴尬与现实的焦虑:现行大学教师课堂教学评价的省思
- evaluation of college teachers 高校教师评价
- A Study of the Dimensional Structure and Influencing Factors of Evaluations of College Teachers'Teaching 大学教师教学效果评价维度结构及影响因素研究
- Humanism accomplishment of college teachers directly relates to whether college quality-oriented education succeeds or not. 高校教师人文素养的高低直接关系到高校素质教育的成功与否。
- The limitation of college teachers' research culture is formalistic cooperation, multi-subject oversimplified and colony utilitarian culture. 我国当前高校教师科研文化的缺陷表现为:重形式的合作文化、浅层移植的多学科文化以及群体趋向的功利性文化。
- Fostering morality of college teachers is important in building a harmonious socialist society,and especially in the horizon of harmonious society,it has richer connotations. 高校师德建设在构建社会主义和谐社会中具有重要的地位,和谐社会视域下的高校师德建设具有丰富的内涵。
- Objective:To probe into the application of objective structured clinical examination(OSCE)in evaluation of clinical comprehensive ability of college nursing graduates. 探索客观结构化临床考试(OSCE)在护理本科毕业生临床综合能力评价中的应用。
- Besides, the following faculties were established: Overseas Students Training, Industry and Construction Managers Training, The Faculty of Reeducation of College Teachers, Part-time and Extra-mural Preparatory Departments. 另外,同时设有:留学生培训,工业和建筑经理培训,大学教师继续教育系,业余班和校外预备系。
- Four years of college gave her considerable polish. 四年的大学教育使她更加完美。
- With the methods of questionnaire,documents,experts interview,statistical analysis,this paper has made a thorough study on the behavioral problems of college teachers participating in physical exercise in shaanxi province. 通过以体育社会学、体育心理学、社会心理学等理论为基础,采用问卷调查、文献资料、专家访谈、数理统计等研究方法,就目前陕西省高校教师体育锻炼主观体验与客观行为问题进行了深入研究。
- She attended the summer session of college. 她上大学的暑期班。
- Through using statistics package for social science (SPSS), we can study all fields related with normal university faculty and can make teaching work of college teachers better and better. 利用社会科学统计软件包-SPSS,对高等师范院校教师所涉及到的各个领域进行探讨,能使高校教师的教学工作有的放矢。
- On the basis of the research work on curriculum and the perspective of the curriculum working mechanism, this thesis probes into the ingredients of college teacher's vocational selfhood and discourse upon its significance on students'academic development. 本文借助课程领域的研究成果,挖掘大学教师职业人格构成因素,从课程作用机制的视角,论述教师职业人格对于学生学业发展的意义所在。
- Financial aids generally taper off after the first year of college. 助学金通常在大学一年级之后逐渐减少。
- Since I graduated, I miss the thrills and spills of college life. 自从我毕业以后,我一直想念时而成功、时而失败的大学生活。
- The quality control and evaluation of suppliers. 对供应商的质量控制与供应商的质量考核、评价。
- Follow-up and evaluation of training impact. 对培训影响的跟踪调查和评估气体技师。
- You know that Bill was thrown out of college for failing his exams. 你知道吗,比尔因考试不及格而被大学开除了。
- Evaluation Of Quality Education In School P.E. 学校体育教育的素质教育价值审视。
- On Training of College Teachers in China 我国高校师资培训问题的探讨