- The magazine contains a great deal of advertising. 这本杂志里有大量广告。
- The cost of a unit of advertising copy. 百万行广告费一个单位的宣传广告品的费用
- pre-publication evaluation of advertising [经] 出版前广告评估
- He doesn't think there's any mileage in that type of advertising. 他认为做那种广告毫无效益。
- We can't cover the total cost of advertising. 我们无法负担全部的广告费用。
- It is hard to break into the field of advertising. 要打入广告界是件很难的事。
- The word has become part of advertising vocabulary. 这个单词已经成了广告用语。
- Strong knowledge of advertising industry. 突出的广告行业知识背景。
- The value of advertising for the brand name. 品牌的宣传价值。
- America Association of Advertising Agency. 是全球范围内比较权威的广告团体机构。
- It pays to do a bit of advertising. 需要花钱做一些广告。
- Journal of Advertising Research. 广告研究杂志》刊载商品广告与公共关系方面的文章。
- This kind of advertising is nothing but propaganda. 这类广告制作只不过是一些宣传。
- She had the idea of advertising on the Internet. 她想到要在互联网上做广告。
- Become a student of advertising . 成为一个广告的学生。
- Today's world is a world full of advertising. 今日的世界是一个充满广告的世界。
- They spent money allured by the tempter of advertisements. 在广告的诱惑下他们花了钱。
- I get a lot of advertising, mostly spam. 我收到很多垃圾邮件。大部分是广告。
- At this the advantages of advertising targeted ---! 在此投放广告的优点---针对性强!
- A sales leter is a means of advertising. 推销信是广告的一种方式。