- If no one does, they'll be euthanized and buried. 倘若无人认领,这些猫就会被安乐死,然后火化。
- Dogs were euthanized at 6-week time point followed by autopsy. 术后6周时处死动物,行解剖病理学检查。
- Children born deformed or dysfunctional were also euthanized. 生来畸形或残疾的孩童也被实施安乐死。
- It can be comforting to have your animal euthanized at your home. 能在家中接受安乐死的话,对人对宠物来说也是一种慰藉。
- Doctors did not consult parents of 22 of the 292 babies euthanized one year. 在实施安乐死前,他们不会咨询22/292的新生儿父母。
- She was euthanized today when veterinarians determined she was suffering from an incurable lung infection. 由于兽医诊断多莉患有无法治愈的肺部感染,今天对它实施了"安乐死"。
- Mice were euthanized at 9 weeks or earlier if severe lameness or pathology occurred. 9周处死裸鼠,如果有严重跛行或者病理状态,提早处死。
- Officials say "Eight Belles" suffered fractures in both front ankles and was euthanized. 官方人员证实“八号美人”前脚踝骨折并被执行了安乐死。
- After six weeks, the researchers euthanized the birds and studied the cells in their chest muscles. 六周以后,研究人员处死了所有的鸟并对其胸肌细胞进行研究。
- Cat lovers fear the roaming felines will be euthanized, while bird lovers are wary of a rare species being wiped out. 爱猫人士担心游荡的猫会被安乐死,而爱鸟好人士则怕稀有的鸟类将会灭绝。
- In the last 1000 years, more children were euthanized for deformities or insanity than were allowed to live. 在那个时代的最后1000年里,因畸形而实行安乐死的孩童比允许活下来的孩子还要多。
- Because Eight Belles had two broken legs, saving her was out of the question, and she was euthanized immediately. 八美,因为有两个断双腿,救回她是不可能的,她立即被施以安乐死。
- Though more than 20 of the mammals survived, the rest were euthanized by gunshots to the head, BBC News reported. BBC新闻报道称,尽管超过20头获救,但是剩下的都通过枪击头部施行了安乐死。
- Tragically, innumerable dogs are euthanized every year because no one around understood the nature of prey drive. 悲剧在于,每年有无数犬只被安乐死,只因为没有人正确理解猎性这一狗的天性。
- A four-year-old Chicago boy is dead and two Rottweilers and a poodle have been euthanized . 周日,一名四岁大的芝加哥男孩在自家后院里遭到一条抑或是多条狗的撕咬。
- I intend to forgive those ancestors who were euthanized and failed to fulfill upon their spiritual goals in their respective lifetime. 我意愿原谅我那些在活着的那一世被实施安乐死且未能实现他们灵性目标的所有祖先。
- A newborn sperm whale beached itself Saturday and was euthanized by a veterinarian after a five-hour fight to save its life. 一只刚出生不久的小抹香鲸7月30日在美国佛罗里达州棕榈滩县的一处海滩搁浅,在经过了长达5个小时的救援之后,兽医最终对它实施了安乐死。
- Animal control officials in Staten Island say the bird was beaten so fiercely that most of its tail feathers fell out and it had to be euthanized. 斯塔岛区的动物控制中心的官员称,孔雀被殴打至尾部羽毛基本脱落,严重受伤,只能实行安乐死。
- Every day thousands of loving and adoptable cats and dogs are euthanized in animal shelters because there are simply not enough homes for them all. 每天成千以上的可爱待领养猫狗都被迫于在动物收容所里接受安乐死的命运,这都是因为它们缺乏可容身的家园之故。
- The humane society took the dog to an emergency veterinary clinic, but he suffered brain damage and had to be euthanized, the group said. 警察赶到现场后发现了那条受伤的狗。当地动物保护协会立即将狗送往了一家兽医诊所,但由于狗的头部伤势严重,最后人们不得不对其实施了安乐死。