- eulture of sense of shame 耻感文化
- She has thrown off all sense of shame. 她已抛弃一切廉耻之心。
- He had no sense of shame and never felt guilty. 他毫无羞耻之心,而且从不觉得内疚。
- There are three major developmental theories of sense of shame: object relational/attachment theories, functionalist emotion theories and cognitive-attributional theories. 有关羞耻感的发展有三种主要理论:客体关系/依恋理论、机能主义理论和认知归因理论。
- He is dead to all sense of shame. 他全无羞耻之感。
- He has no sense of shame at all. 他真是恬不知耻。
- Generally speaking, everyone has a sense of shame. 一般来说,每个人都有羞耻心。
- The Deficiency of Sense of Shame and Its Analysis 当前我国耻感缺失现象及原因分析
- Don't you have a sense of shame? 你没有羞耻感吗?
- He's very thick-skinned and has no sense of shame. 他脸皮厚,不知羞耻。
- By virtue of sense of responsibility the employees worked overtime. 由于负责,雇员们加班工作。
- Deficiency of Sense of Shame, Its Causes and Resolution 耻感错位的成因及解决对策
- At this thought an unbearable sense of shame possessed him. 一想到这里,一种难堪的羞愧感就笼罩着他。
- Education of sense of shame and its implementation approach 羞耻感教育及其实施途径
- These street girls lost to all senses of shame. 这些妓女可真是不知羞耻。
- She has thrown off all senses of shame. 她已失掉了一切廉耻之心。
- In deceiving that girl, he was devoid of all sense of shame. 他恬不知耻地欺骗那个女孩子。
- Shutting off of senses of taste, smell and touch. 使丧失味觉,嗅觉和触觉。
- I regard that man as lost, who has lost his sense of shame. 我认为,人丧失了廉耻就完了。
- All men have a sense of shame.; Everybody has a sense of shame. 羞恶之心人皆有之。