- ethnic minority of Xinjiang 新疆少数民族
- The attack is the third in nine days against Chinese security forces in the autonomous region of Xinjiang, a vast area in western China that is home to the Uighurs, a Muslim Turkic ethnic minority. 北京电--据新华社报道,周二喀什附近的一个公路检查站发生一起持刀袭击事件,三个安全人员死亡,一人受伤。
- As an ethnic minority of ocean cultural specialty,Jing nationality s non-material cultural heritage also has uniqueness. 京族是我国具有海洋文化特质的少数民族,其非物质文化遗产也相应的具有独特性。
- The Dulong ethnicity is one of the ethnic minorities of China. 独龙族是我国的少数民族之一。
- They will also be treated with hospitality and specialized folk customs of diversified ethnic minorities of the Dai,Jinuo,Hani,Lahu,Bulang and Wa in the ethnic minority villages. 进入民族村寨可体验傣族、基诺族、哈尼族、拉祜族、布朗族、佤族等多种少数民族热情好客、风格各异的民风民俗。
- Wang Liping Composer, of Manchu ethnic minority. 王立平作曲家(满族)。
- His girl friend is of the Benglong ethnic minority. 他女朋友是崩龙族人。
- My math teacher is of Blang ethnic minority. 我的数学老师是布朗族人。
- They will also be treated with hospitality and specialized folk customs of diversified ethnic minorities of the Dai, Jinuo, Hani, Lahu, Bulang and Wa in the ethnic minority villages. 进入民族村寨可体验傣族、基诺族、哈尼族、拉祜族、布朗族、佤族等多种少数民族热情好客、风格各异的民风民俗。
- the ethnic minority of Dongxiang 东乡族
- An Investigation and Analysis of the Aim and Cause of Xinjiang Ethnic Minority Students'Chinese Learning 少数民族大学生汉语学习目的与原因的调查分析
- Costumes of Ethnic Minorities of China has experienced development of a long historical process. 中国少数民族服饰工艺的发展经历了漫长的历史过程。
- Only a minority of British households do not have a car. 英国只有少数家庭没有汽车。
- She named this report on the customs of the ethnic minorities of the border "The Borderline Travel Notes". 她把这次关于边疆民族风情的采风报告定名为《封疆纪行》。
- Fifty years of experience has proved that the policies toward ethnic minorities of the People's Republic of China are successful ones. 中华人民共和国的五十年实践证明,中国的民族政策是成功的,走出了一条符合自己国情的解决民族问题和实现各民族共同发展的正确道路。
- Research on the Educational Model of Ethnic Minority Preparatory Courses and Reform in Universities of Xinjiang in the 21th Century 21世纪新疆高校民族预科教育模式改革研究
- To take you to a place in Ili of Xinjiang and. 在新疆伊犁的。
- Narat Pastureland of Xinjiang China. 来到新疆那拉提大草原,...
- Minority of board member opposed the chairman. 董事会成员中的少数人反对董事长。