- So while English is the dominant language,it has not taken up the space of Singaporeans who take pride in their own ethnic language and culture. 所以英文作为新加坡的优势语文,并没有剥夺不同种族的新加坡人提倡与发展本族语文与文化的空间。
- Chinese-educated Singaporeans have been wavering Between optimism and pessimism about the future of their ethnic language and culture. 在新加坡,受华文教育者对文化前景的看法,时而悲观,时而乐观。
- So while English is the dominant language, it has not taken up the space of Singaporeans who take pride in their own ethnic language and culture. 所以英文作为新加坡的优势语文,并没有剥夺不同种族的新加坡人提倡与发展本族语文与文化的空间。
- the future of their ethnic language and culture 民族语言和文化的前景
- Li Bin studies Japanese language and culture. 李彬在学习日语和日本文化。
- By Beijing Language and Culture University Press. 北京语言文化大学出版社。
- The Chechen language and culture were suppressed. 车臣的语言和文化都被压制了。
- The Languedoc has its own language and culture. 朗格有自己的语言和文化。
- So English is the dominant language, it has not taken away the space of Singaporeans who take pride in their own ethnic language and culture." 所以英文作为新加坡的优势语言,并没有剥夺不同种族的新加坡人提倡发展本族语言与文化的空间。”
- So while English is the dominant language, it has not taken away the space of Singaporeans who take pride in their own ethnic language and culture." 所以英文作为新加坡的优势语文,并没有剥夺不同种族的新加坡人提倡发展本族语文与文化的空间。”
- I believe we must "use English to teach English" and that language and culture are inseparable. 我认为应该“用英语教英语”, 而且,语言与文化是不可分割的。
- Be exposed to the language and culture since childhood. 自孩提时代起,便受到该语言和文化的耳濡目染!
- The form of address is a phenomenon of both language and culture. 称谓是一种语言现象 ,也是一种文化现象。
- Abstract: Language and culture are closely interwound. 语言与文化密不可分。
- ethnic language and culture 民族语言和文化
- How much do you a know about the Gullah language and culture? 您对古勒人的语言及文化瞭解多深?
- Measures and conditions need to be set to ensure that the promotion of an ethnic language and cultivation of a cultural elite do not lead to ethnic chauvinism. 我们应该制定一些步骤与条件,确保提倡族群语言及培养文化精英不会导致种族沙文主义的出现。
- How muchg do you know about the Gullah language and culture? 您对古勒人的语言及文化了解多深?
- There is a dialectical relationship between language and culture. 语言和文化之间存在着一种辩证关系。
- How much do you know about the Gullah language and culture? 您对古勒人的语言及文化了解多深?