- On Ethnic Group Identity of JIAOMENGANG People 教门岗人的族群认同
- Basing on the author's filedwork data, this paper analyses the characters of the local people's ethnic identities and its cause, and then discusses the substaintial meaning of ethnic groups' identity. 文章试图通过对扬美人族群认同现象的田野考察,分析其族群认同的特点及成因,进而探讨族群认同的实在意义。
- Being a member of a particular ethnic group. 种族一员的作为一特定种族集团中的成员的
- A member of the predominant ethnic group of Iran. 法尔西人伊朗主要种族的一员
- ethnic group identity 族群认同
- This female teacher is from the Lopa ethnic group. 这名女教师是珞巴族人。
- A member of the principal ethnic group of Hungary. 马札尔人匈牙利一个主要的少数民族
- The Yi ethnic group has many branches. 彝族的支系甚多,
- Oh, I know the Hani ethnic group. 哎,哈尼族我知道。
- Do you know the She ethnic group? 您知道畬族吗?
- The customs of this ethnic group? 都有哪些风俗习惯吗?
- Ethnic Group Political State ID Card No. 民族政治面貌身份证号码。
- The She ethnic group has a long history. 畬族是中国的一个古老纯朴的民族。
- They must be of the Xibe ethnic group. 韩佳:这肯定是锡伯族的朋友。
- Muzabu minorities and the Tuareg ethnic group. 少数民族有姆扎布族和图阿雷格族。
- The Bai Ethnic Group has its own distinct culture. 白族是一个有自己独特文化的民族。
- His tutor is from the Pumi ethnic group. 他的家庭教师是普米族人。
- One of my friends is of the Hezhen ethnic group. 我的一个好朋友是赫哲族人。
- If the group identity is found, it indicates a vulnerability to substitution and is rejected. 如果找到组身份,则表示存在替换安全隐患,并随后加以拒绝。
- The message may be exponentiated to each of the relatively small divisors and the result checked for the group identity. 可以针对每个相对较小的约数对该消息进行求幂,并且针对组身份检查结果。