- ethics personalism philosophy 伦理人格主义哲学
- I very dislike defective social ethics person. 我很讨厌欠缺公德的人.
- Every individual should be encouraged to develop a personal philosophy of life. 每个人都应该被鼓励发展个人的人生哲学。
- Ethics is a branch of philosophy. 伦理学是哲学的分科。
- This style or "aesthetic" should suit your body as well as suiting your outlook on life and your personal philosophy. 这种风格或者“审美情趣”不仅要适合你的身材,而且要适合你的人生观和个人见解。
- Sirius is very good at spouting bits of excellent personal philosophy, but he does not always live up to them. 小天狼星十分擅长说些绝妙的人生哲理,但他自己却做不到。
- The answer to these questions does not come without difficulty. In fact the ending, as much as it functions as an answer, is too slow and overwrought with personal philosophy. 这些问题的答案并不是很容易就能够找到的。在影片的末尾,我们得到了解释。但答案来得太慢,而且涉及了过多的个人哲学理念。
- To develop a holistic view of education focusing on the intellectual, emotional, creative and ethical person. 培养具有聪明才智、情感、创新和道德观等全面发展的人才。
- This paper argues that his philosophical anthropology was a continuing development of his ethical personalism posed in his early ethical theories. 本文论证其哲学人类学实是舍氏伦理学提出的伦理人格主义的发展和完成。
- The aim of law ethics education is to train the students to become the "social doctors" who have the sane law ethical personality and help fulfill the ultimate objects of the law. 法律伦理教育的目标就是要把学生培养成为具有健全的法律伦理人格,有助于法律终极目标实现的“社会医生”。
- Ethic is a branch of philosophy. 伦理是哲学的一个分支。
- The ethics of his decision are doubtful. 他的这一决定是否合乎道德规范值得怀疑。
- Every person is accountable for his own work. 每个人都要对自己的工作负责。
- That kind of person is anything but a Marxist. 那种人根本不是马克思主义者。
- He is a very nice person to work with. 他是一个很好共事的人。
- Our reporter was the first person on the scene. 我们的记者是最先到达出事地点的。
- Jim is a warmhearted person to come and go upon. 吉姆是个热心人,可以信赖。
- Here are some of my personal philosophies... as philosophical as they may seem... they have taken me a long way over the years. 这里有我一些人生哲理。。。虽然看起来都是大道理。。。但它们课班了我度过人生许多难关。。。
- In dragon boat rowing each person has one oar. 划龙舟时每个人都拿着一枝桨。
- Restoration calls, however, not for changes in ethics alone. 但是,复兴不仅仅只要改变伦理观念。