- From the realm of bioethics,we can see occurring changes in theory and practice of contemporary ethics and philosophy. 从生命伦理学领域可以窥视到当代伦理学或道德哲学理论与实践正在发生的转变。
- The professional reading club was established as an informal organization, to foster work ethics and skills to the highest level of development and practice. 读书会宗旨:专业读书会是由采购或供应链管理专业人士组成的非正式团体,用以鼓励职业修养及提升专业技能水平。
- The techniques and practice of a midwife. 助产学,产科学助产士的技术及工作
- The theory and practice of aircraft navigation. 航空学飞机航行的理论与实践
- Flawless ethics and business conduct. 良好的商业操守。
- CHAVEZ: The difference is ethics and morals. 查韦斯:区别在于这仅是道义和精神上的。
- Highly developed sense of ethics and duty. 具有高度道德意识和责任感;
- Code of Ethics and Whistleblower Policies. 品德规范和告密者政策。
- They needed time and practice to master the skill. 他们要掌握这个技术,还需要时间和练习。
- A specialist in the theory and practice of education. 教育家教育理论和实践方面的专家
- There was a happy chime of belief and practice in everything she said. 她所说的每一件事都体现了信仰和行动的完美和谐。
- "The Polish problem is ethically and practically more difficult than Afghanistan," said one British diplomat. 一位英国外交官说:“无论从道义上还是从实际上说,波兰问题都要比阿富汗问题难办。
- The proceedings and practice of a court of chancery; equity. 衡平法院诉讼事务衡平法院的诉讼程序和程序法; 衡平法
- We guarantee a professional code of ethics and respect of privacy. 我们担保遵守职业道德,并尊重个人隐私权。
- A good business ethics and professional accomplishment. 良好的商业道德和职业素养。
- He gave sound and practical advice. 他提出了很好的,实际可行的建议。
- Medical ethics and business ethics are often intertwined. 医疗伦理和商业伦理是相互联系的。
- Theory and Practice; Excellence and success! 学理与实用并重;追求卓越和成功!
- Ethics and principles are very important components in Islam. 伦理道德是伊斯兰教的重要组成部分。
- He turned to the study and practice of medicine. 他致力于医学的研究和实践。