- Her behavior is alien to our ethical values. 她的行为和我们的伦理标准格格不入。
- Old people are complaining that the old ethical values are withering away. 老人抱怨说旧的伦理价值正在消亡。
- What ethical values are enshrined in the systems of occupational security in Europe? 欧洲职业保障体系包含哪些伦理价值?
- As the query of subjective consciousness grew of religion and ethical values, a pluralistic tendency of irony has occurred in the texts of modern and contemporary literature. 随着主体意识对宗教、伦理价值体系的质疑,现当代文学文本中出现了反讽的多元化倾向。
- They can be highly ambitious and materialistic and are capable of waiving all moral or ethical values to achieve their goals. 他们可以说是雄心勃勃,物质至上,为了达到目的可能会抛弃一切道义或道德价值。
- As a new form of contemporary practical art, artistic designing has its utilitarian, aesthetical and ethical values and different states of being. 摘要艺术设计作为实用艺术的当代新形式,具有功利的、审美的和伦理的不同价值和境界。
- He suggested goodness (das Gute), nobility (das Edle), fullness (die Fuelle) and purity (die Reinheit) as fundamental ethical values. 他建议善良,高贵,圆满和纯洁可以作为基本的道德价值。
- A community is a regional society with homogeneity, ascription, self-identity, common ethical values, common beliefs and customs of its population. 社区即具备人口的同质性、归属感、认同感、共同的价值观、共同的信仰和风俗习惯的区域社会。
- Mr. Josephson also founded the Character Counts! Coalition, providing character-building materials and programs based on core ethic values. 祖夫逊亦创立了个性重要大联盟,专责制作有关个人个性发展和核心伦理价值的教材和课程。
- Shari`ah refers to the ethical values and guiding principles and objectives that are clearly discernable from the primary sources of Islam, the Qur'an and the Sunnah. 沙里亚是指在伊斯兰的最初源泉也即古兰和圣行中可以清晰认识到的伦理观念、指导原则和生活目标。
- Would it make the conflicts of ethical values, such as changing human nature, amplifying the inequality between people, or affecting the human diversity? 基因改造在伦理上是否可能发生价值冲突,例如动摇了人类所固有的本质、扩张人与人之间的不平等、或影响人类族群的多样性?
- Mr. Schmidt, who was well-respected as a statesman, still articulates his belief that ethical values are of paramount importance, not as lofty ideals, but as maps to the crossroads between political and human life. 作为一位受人崇敬的政治家,施密特先生一直重复着他的信仰:伦理价值观是极为重要的,不是作为崇高的理想,而是在政治生活和人类生活的十字路口起着路标图的作用。
- Students are encouraged to develop a deep understanding of legal practice and theory. Graduates will possess the intellectual and lawyering skills and ethical values to become future leaders. 学院鼓励学生深入理解法律实务和理论,期望学生毕业时,能具备法学知识与专业技能,以及正确的道德价值观,带领社会进步。
- Cultural conservatism supports Confucius and approves his humanism and ethical value. 不用说,文化保守主义拥护孔子,肯定孔子的人文主义和道德价值。
- Computer software is the objectification of data-processing mechanism.At present it is a special spiritual product which can benefit different communities and create different ethical values as well. 摘要计算机软件是信息处理机制的对象化,在现阶段,它是一种特殊的精神产品,为不同的人群带来不同利益,也造成人们对此产生了不同的伦理价值观念。
- Many economists rethought the ethical problems of economics,reinspected the ethical value of the study on economics,especially after Daniel. 许多经济学家对经济学的伦理问题进行了反思,重新审视了经济研究的伦理意义。
- In modern society, as a dominical special colony in common, administration men in terms of ethical value must go back to the commonweal . 在现代社会中,行政人是公共领域的特殊群体,行政人的道德价值以公共利益为依归。
- Chapter One "The Introduction" is the leading part for understanding the theme of the paper. At first, it elucidates on the Jewish spirit in Judaism, regarding it as the moral and ethic values in the daily life of the Jewish people. 第一章“导论”是全文的首要部分,剖析了论文题目所讲的犹太精神,认为这是指犹太人在世俗社会中所奉行的宗教精神,是他们在实际生活中的道德良知和伦理价值;
- More broadly, some individuals who have no desire to use wilderness at any time may nevertheless have a preference for the preservation of wilderness as an ethical value. 更广泛地说,没有在将来使用荒野愿望的某些人,决不会出于伦理价值观念,而酷爱保护荒野。
- Only the News Media has its proper ethical value and keep its ethical value, can the News Media properly realize its social functions in contemporary society. 新闻传媒只有上述三方面都符合基本伦理价值的要求,从静态上拥有伦理价值内蕴,并在动态的运作中不偏离伦理价值的要求,才能使新闻传媒恰当地实现其社会功能。