- By preassigned credibility and precision, effective estimate of sieving rate of connectivity sieve is achieved. 通过预先设定置信度和估计精度,可以获得连通性筛子筛选率的有效估计值。
- My estimate of the length of the room was 10 feet. 我估计房间的长度为10 英尺。
- His estimate of the situation was sober. 他对形势的估计是审慎的。
- My estimate of the situation is not so optimistic. 我对形势的估计不那么乐观。
- Equations of rate of exergy loss for shell and tube exchanger are derived. 导出了管壳式换热器的火用损率计算公式,对影响功火用损的因素进行了分析。
- Gave a ballpark estimate of future unit sales. 对未来的单位销售法做出几近正确的估计
- What's the going rate of computer programmers? 计算机程序设计人员的一般工资是多少?
- By power we mean the rate of doing work. 我们说功率就是指做功的速率。
- I am in disagreement with him as to his estimate of her character. 关於他对她品性的评价,我和他意见分歧。
- The support of rate of major party nominee is higher than that of a minor party nominee. 多数党被提名者得到的支持率往往高出少数党等候人。
- I don't know her well enough to form an estimate of her abilities. 我对她不太了解,无法对她的能力作出判断。
- Damage is caused in cerebral soldier rate of rate, die in one's bed and recrudescent rate are high. 脑卒中致残率、病死率和复发率高。
- The su ort of rate of major party nominee is higher than that of a minor party nominee. 多数党被提名者得到的支持率往往高出少数党等候人。
- She clearly overshot the mark in her estimate of how long the job would last. 在估计这项工作持续时间的长短上,她显然夸张了。
- Can you give me a list of rates of different coverages? 贵公司能否给我一份各种险别的费率表?
- The rate of incidence of a disease. 发病率发生疾病的概率
- My estimate of her character was wrong. 我对她品格的评价是错误的。
- Since 1992, paddy of travel of foretaste of rate of the country in ocean helps advance somebody's career technology " green certificate " system. 1992年以来,洋里乡率先试行水稻栽培技术“绿色证书”制度。
- I can give you a rough estimate of the number of bricks you will need. 我可大略估算一下你需要多少砖。
- Variation of rate of expansion of the anti oxidation coating with temperature was determined and compared with that of steel. 探讨了此涂料随温度变化其热膨胀速率的变化情况,并且与钢质材料作了对比;