- The professor advanced a new aesthetic theory. 那位教授提出了新的美学理论。
- Then he brings out a hyper-Kantian subjectivist aesthetic theory. 接著他针对审美欣赏这个主题提出了一个超级康德主义的主观论美学。
- It constitutes an aesthetic theory which, above all, emphasizes the sentiments. 写意构成了一个美学理论,这个理论最先强调感情层份。
- Croce established his huge esthetics theory system on his spirit philosophy. 在精神哲学基础上,克罗齐建立起他的庞大的美学理论体系。
- Therefore, from Gestalt psycology to study consciousness in Architecture, it can inspire the" whole beauty" of Architecture and expand the esthetics theory. 所以从格式塔心理学的角度来研究建筑视知觉,对把握建筑的"整体美"无疑是有启发作用的,是对建筑美学理论的拓展。
- The ultimate goal of Macuse's aesthetic theory is the liberation of human beings by eliminating alienation in an aesthetic revolution centered on art. 摘要马尔库塞美学理论的最终目的和根本意图,是通过以艺术为中心的审美革命消除异化,实现人的解放。
- This is one kind of shape which is different from esthetics theory ,rationals and tools are the character of the latter . 这是一种与工具化理性化为特征的哲学美学明显不同的美学理论形态。
- Alexander Gottliel Baumgarten's aesthetics theory have sure enlightenment to build contemporary practice aesthetics theory. 鲍姆嘉通的美学思想对当代实践美学的建构也有一定的启示。
- Receptive aesthetic theory holds that only by readers' acceptance can the aesthetic connotation of literary works be reflected and constantly promoted. 接受美学理论认为,文学作品只有在读者的阅读接受中才能体现并不断升华其审美意蕴。
- In recent years there appearing a new esthetics theory: ecological esthetics, which pursuing the harmony and unity between human beings and nature. 追求人与自然和谐统一的生态美学是近几年新兴的美学理论。
- The fragmentation of plot in Jacob's Room and the unveiling of the“ vision” in To the Lighthouse are read alongside the aesthetic theory discussed above. 形式美学理论在此主要印证在《乔布的房间》中对情节铺陈结构的拆解,与《灯塔行》中最后意象的浮现。
- Lao She's editing and publishing thought is well blended as milk and water with his literary creation thought, forming a unified inditing-compiling aesthetic theory. 老舍编辑出版理论与其文艺创作理论水乳交融,形成了同一的创作一编辑美学理论。
- Dessoir"s framework of art science is not only different from the prevenient research on art in aesthetic theory, but different from his framework for aesthetics brightly. 这样的理论框架,不同于以往的美学理论中对艺术的研究,就是与他本人的美学理论框架也有了鲜明的区别。
- This part focuses on how Langer"s artistic illusion developed on the base of instinct aesthetic theory, the geslalt psychological aesthetics and the viual arts in 20th century. 把艺术幻象论置于20世纪文艺思潮大背景下,考察朗格艺术幻象论对审美直觉理论、格式塔心理学美学以及视觉艺术研究成果的借鉴。
- The students accept esthetics theory to strengthen the university student political ideas education to accept the effect to have the model function in the western countries. 摘要西方接受美学理论对加强大学生思想政治教育接受效果具有借鉴作用。
- The theory of "Ge" and "Bu-Ge" is one of the aesthetical theories put forward in renjiancihua by Wang Cuowei. 摘要“隔与不隔”说,是王国维《人间词话》中所提出的美学理论之一。
- Ye Lang with his unique aesthetic thought and his sole 'imaginative aesthetic theory' that is rich in nationality and time meaning is more and more noted and affirmed by learning field. 叶朗以其独特的美学之思,尤其是他那独树一帜的极富民族性更具时代意义的“意象”论美学,越来越为学界所关注和肯定。
- One possible way of doing this is to interconnect Michel Foucault's theory of self-cultivation and Adorno's aesthetic theory, Foucault's concept of self-creation and Adorno's concept of the artwork. 切入此问题的一种方式在于连接法国哲学家傅柯的修养论与阿多诺美学理论,即在于傅柯自我创造说与阿多诺艺术作品理论的交错。
- If a building's design made it appear impregnable, the institution was necessarily sound, and the meaning of the heavy wall as an architectural symbol dwelt in the prevailing attitude toward money, rather than in any aesthetic theory. 如果一栋建筑物的设计让人觉得它坚不可摧,那么这家银行必定门庭若市,作为建筑特征的厚墙体现的是人们对金钱的普遍观念,而非任何美学原理。
- Concerning his a esthetics theory, he takes the word "life" as his logical starting point to ex p lode aesthetics and further more makes analysis on the cores of aesthetics, i.e. aesthetic experience, artistic imagination, etc. 在美学观上 ,他将“生命”一词作为美学研究的逻辑起点 ,进一步对审美体验、艺术想像等美学当中的核心范畴加以分析。