- The second chapter studies on the aesthetical subject and object theory of the dialogism aesthetics. 第二章是对对话美学的审美主体和审美对象理论的研究。
- The individuality and emotional input of aesthetic subject is active only with lofty aesthetic ideal as the prerequisite. 审美主体的个性和情感投入必须以高尚的审美理想为前提才是积极的。
- The local aesthetics aesthetic subject who takes aesthetic activities is the aesthetic feeling creator with aesthetic faculties and appreciator. 乡土美学的审美主体是进行审美活动并具有一定审美能力的美感的创造者和欣赏者。
- The main contents are: the influence of the inter-subjectivity theory on the dialogism aesthetics, the aesthetical subject and object theory of dialogism aesthetics. 主要包括:主体间性思想对对话美学的影响,对话美学的审美主体和审美对象理论等。
- Popular and elegance are general,basic scope that reflect dietetic aesthetic subject's Basic feelings on diet atmosphere and not an insuperable gap between them. 俚俗与典雅是反映饮食审美主体对饮食美呈现氛围基本类别的感受的范畴,带有一般性、基础性,二者之间并没有不可逾越的鸿沟。
- Consequently, it aims to life experience and enlightenment that come from the assimilating between the vitality of nature and the spirit of aesthetical subject. 三是自然万物之生机与主体之精神相融互契所产生的生命体验及境界。
- However, the freedom of aesthetic subject is based on the immateriality of the digital code, which provides both a chance and a trap for the subject freedom. 但数字艺术审美主体的自由是以数字符号的非物质性为前提的,数字符号的非物质性既是构成数字艺术审美主体自由的契机也是其陷阱。
- The bandits subject us to all sort of indignity. 强盗们对我们加以各种侮辱。
- The nation was kept in subjection. 这个民族已经沦为附庸。
- He posed as an authority on that subject. 他以那个问题的权威自居。
- Abstract: The formed the basis of the scope of dietetic beauty is dietetic aesthetic subject' s different feelings from two levels that the emotional Visual evaluation and rational tmderstanding. 摘 要: 饮食美的范畴的形成根据是饮食审美主体从感性直观品评和理性认识延展两个层面产生的不同的审美感受。
- This aesthetic form influences, in a particular way, the aesthetic subjects' perception, as well as their reasoning. 这一美学形式以其独特的方式改变着审美主体的感性,并从而影响其理性。
- I have no pretence to be an expert on the subject. 我并不自命是这方面的专家。
- He's mute on the subject of social system. 他对社会制度的问题保持沉默。
- This is one of the standard books on the subject. 这是有关这个问题的权威著作之一。
- He do not throw much fresh light on the subject. 关于这个问题他没有提供很多新的见解。
- Both are esthetic and depend much on symmetry. 两种活动都要求美感和匀称性。
- Sex is no longer the taboo subject it used to be. 现在不再像过去那样把性的问题视为禁区。
- The esthetic conception is programmatic. 在美学上追求标题性构思。
- I wish I could be a master of this subject. 但愿我能精通这门学科就好了。